5 tips for back neck and muscle pain relief

Pain, what are the causes and how to prevent it

Back, neck and muscle pain is increasingly part of our daily lives. In large part they are due to our way of life, it is stress, excessive exercise, habitual bad postures and age wear are the most common causes for which we can feel pain in the body.

Pro Massager: All kinds of massage

  • Ideal for all parts of the body.
  • Massage + heat for pain relief
  • Works with large muscle areas
  • Special heads for hard to reach areas.

What are the most common causes of back pain?

Normally we can have pain in each area of the body for specific reasons, these are the most common:

  • Neck Pain: Is usually caused by bad postures, especially at the computer and at sleep (the so-called stiff neck) also by cooling the area, and in more severe cases due to cervical wear or some muscle injury of the neck area.
  • Back Pain: Is usually caused also by bad postures, especially at the computer but also in many cases due to overloads and movements in bad posture carrying weight
  • Muscle Pain: Are usually caused by excessive work in a particular muscle and are usually caused by sports practices or excessive work effort.
  • Ligament and tendon pain: They usually occur by sprains, usually causing sprains or strains and are usually very painful at first, with inflammation of the area included.
  • Sciatic pain: Inflammation of the sciatic nerve can give us pain throughout the area, from the upper back to the lower leg, including inflammation.
  • Chronic pain: Is the worst of all. It can be caused by diseases such as arthritis, hose wear, joints, etc. It is very difficult to eliminate, but it can be alleviated with specific measures.

Neck Relax: Ideal for neck and back pain

  • It is perfect for common neck pain.
  • Massage + heat for pain relief
  • You can use anywhere, ideal for travel.
  • You can give yourself the massage without moving, the machine runs alone.

What are the most common zones of pain?

The most common areas of the body where we have pain usually have very common causes and affect the same age groups and genders or activities.
  • Neck and high back Pain: All ages, origin in prolonged poor posture or cooling of the area causing stiffness
  • Low back Pain:It usually occurs after the age of 30, and is related to overload due to work activities in poor posture.
  • Muscle Pain:It is usually more common in middle-aged people due mainly to sports overloads. It affects extremities especially.
  • Sciatic and Pain:They usually appear after 40 and mostly focus on the back, neck and shoulders, although arthritis affects the extremities, especially the hands.

AcuSmart: Electric Acupuncture Pen

  • Low-level laser therapy massage
  • Compatible with iPhone and Android
  • Does not pierce the skin, without needles
  • Different types of heads.

How can we relieve the pain?

There are several ways to relieve pain that work more or less well depending on the condition, the intensity and the origin of it. Below we list the most common.

  • Analgesics: They are recommended when the pain is intense, and in a timely manner. They should not be used continuously as they can cause addiction and tolerance. In addition, analgesics do not act on the lesion if it exists, so it is advisable to use them as supplements and not as a cure.
  • Apply heat to the area: Heat can be applied to the affected area, either using wet hot cloths, hot water bags, infrared with a special machine for it, or with ultrasound. The heat causes the blood vessels to dilate and improves circulation, causing pain relief.
  • Massage: Applying a massage to the area with pain relaxes muscles and joints. This technique also helps you recover from the injury more quickly. In addition to this, if we apply heat to the area we will increase the relaxation and it will be much more effective.
    Furthermore there are massage machines that can be used at home, without having to go to a professional.
  • Acupuncture: It is an ancient technique that involves nailing needles in the key areas of nerve transmission, relieving pain. The acupuncture is very effective, and must be done by professionals.
    In addition to this there are also ultra-frequency acupuncture machines that do not need needles and can use oneself. You can see the Acusmart review here

The best machines to relieve pain at home

Pro Massager: All kinds of massage

  • Ideal for all parts of the body.
  • Massage + heat for pain relief
  • Works with large muscle areas
  • Special heads for hard to reach areas.

Neck Relax: Ideal for neck pain

  • It is perfect for common neck pain.
  • Massage + heat for pain relief
  • You can use anywhere, ideal for travel.
  • You can give yourself the massage without moving, the machine runs alone.

AcuSmart: Electric Acupuncture Pen

  • Low-level laser therapy massage
  • Compatible with iPhone and Android
  • Does not pierce the skin, without needles
  • Different types of heads.

Reviews about how pain relief

I usually use anti-inflammatories that act very well, my partner gives me the massage or I go to the physio, I have never used machines.


I have a machine for neck massages and the truth is that they do work well. I sleep better when I use it after a long day carrying boxes.

Logistics operator

Thanks to Foto de Mujer creado por kjpargeter – www.freepik.es Foto de Médico creado por kjpargeter – www.freepik.es and Foto de Médico creado por kjpargeter – www.freepik.es Foto de Fondo creado por freepik – www.freepik.es for provide the images

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