BooJoy Winter Shoes, the warmest and most non-slip footwear

The BooJoy Winter Shoes BJ winter footwear is the most comfortable and safe

BooJoy Winter Shoes BJ are the best urban winter boots, ultralight and with a sliding sole, which will allow you to move comfortably and at the same time keep your feet warm and dry in cold places, snow or when walking in the middle of the rain.

Urban footwear for the cold of the city with the BJ BooJoy winter shoes

Most footwear with a fleece or Gore Tex lining tend to be mountain designs, very rough or bulky. In meetings, office, or social events they do not end up looking good. BooJoy BJ winter shoes have a modern and light design that will make you feel comfortable wherever you go.

Walk safely on water or snow with the BooJoy BJ winter shoes

Thanks to its waterproof surface that does not let water pass, nor the humidity of the snow, and its non-slip double-sense sole, the BooJoy BJ winter shoes will allow you to walk safely on wet or icy ground.

In addition to this, the internal fleece lining always keeps your feet dry and warm, perspiring to avoid sweat.

Features and benefits of BooJoy Winter Shoes BJ footwear

  • Fully waterproof, they resist rain and snow and keep feet dry.
  • Unisex design in various colors.
  • Available colors: Black, Red and Blue.
  • Sizes from 36 to 44 EU.
  • Gel effect sole that cushions the impact when walking, they are very comfortable and prevent fatigue.
  • They do not cause skin lesions or plantar fasciitis syndrome. Ergonomic and sporty interior.
  • Very light and flexible material, they allow you to walk for a long time without rubbing or pain in the feet.
  • Total grip to the ground of the non-slip soles with two-way effect.
  • Inner lining with warm and soft felt that allows perspiration while preserving heat.
  • Velcro closure without laces that allows better adjustment of the foot.
  • The designers of the Easy Fit shoes have improved the winter version.
  • They combine perfectly with the Easy Slippers indoor slippers.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 14 days of return without obligation
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has a legal tax identification and makes the direct sale by sending from the brand’s factory, without third-party intermediation. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are kept 100%
  • In case of problems with your purchase, please retain your order number. We can help you at with any of the online stores.

Our final evaluation of the Boojoy Winter Shoes boots

It is a very complete shoe, the inner lining together with a waterproof exterior allow you to face cold and rainy situations, which, added to excellent breathability and non-slip soles, makes these boots an ideal garment for winter.

Reviews and opinions of BooJoy BJ winter shoes

Normally when it is very cold I usually wear hiking boots, with Gore Tex coverage and end the day with my feet completely dry and warm. I have the same boots, a Solomon for more than 10 years.


This type of footwear is very important that the cold does not pass through the sole, to the soles of the feet. More than anything because if it is so, even if it is lined, you get cold when walking on frozen ground. I say this from experience.


Now with this cold they go very well, they protect you from humidity and allow you to walk with dry feet all day. They are very comfortable boots and I don’t regret buying them. The Boojoy brand is very well known.


Aggregate rating
3.9 based in 291 reviews

BooJoy BJ
Product Name:
BooJoy BJ
EUR 79.95

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