Boolex Sport Gloves

Enjoy the cold with Boolex Sport Gloves without getting cold

Boolex Sport Gloves are winter tactile gloves designed to keep your hands warm while you can at the same time perform any activity naturally and maintaining touch. They are the most comfortable in their category.

Use the phone without getting cold with the Boolex Sport Gloves touch gloves

Most of the time, when it is cold, we must remove our gloves to be able to answer calls, use GPS or write on the screens of our devices. Thanks to the special fingertips of the Boolex Sport Gloves tactile gloves, we can use any device without getting cold.

Your hands always protected in any activity with Boolex Sport Gloves

Any activity you want to do in cold weather can be done more comfortably with the Boolex Sport Gloves tactile gloves. From riding a motorcycle to camping, fishing, hiking … and always with warm and dry hands.

In addition to this, you can manipulate tools, drive or use electronic devices as if you were not carrying anything in your hands.

Characteristics and uses of the Boolex Sport Gloves tactile gloves

  • Made with neoprene fiber in its structure, and latex in the tactile area.
  • Ideal perspiration, they also allow the hand to be warm without sweating.
  • Insulation from the cold with temperatures below -5º.
  • Waterproofing that keeps your hands dry in snow, rain and more.
  • The finger surface allows you to use any touch screen.
  • They also allow you great mobility to carry out activities.
  • You can use them to drive, cycle, run, do field and sea activities, work etc … in the middle of winter.
  • In addition to this, they protect you from bumps and scratches, and help prevent chilblains.
  • The material is very resistant, but it is advisable not to continuously expose it to fire or very high temperatures.
  • Finally, it has an adjustable zipper and you have several sizes for all types of hands.
  • Together with Boojoy Winter Shoes they are the most sought after winter garment this year.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 14 days of return without obligation
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has a legal tax identification and makes the direct sale by sending from the brand’s factory, without the intermediation of third parties. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are kept 100%

Reviews and opinions of the Boolex Sport Gloves tactile gloves

I’m a biker, and being able to keep my hands well covered even in summer is very important. If they are not well protected, you end up with all the skin cracked and full of scratches and small wounds.

Insurance manager

Se você tiver que atender o telefone quando estiver na neve, você tem um problema. Além disso, é muito appatível colocar sua mão em um bolso para remover o aparelho, então suas mãos esfriarem ou não conseguem pegar o tempo. Eu vou fazer comprá-los.


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4.4 based in 55 reviews

Boolex Sport Gloves
Product Name:
Boolex Sport Gloves
EUR 59.95

Product Availability
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