Bye Scratches pencil removes car scratches

Your car always flawless with Bye Scratches the universal scratch remover pencil

Bye Scratches is a new gel applicator pen specially designed to cover light scratches from cars. The product is a special compound that can cover any small scratches on your vehicle with total efficiency, eliminating it completely.

You can apply Bye Scractches to any color car paint

Bye Scratches Car Scratch Remover works with any paint color. This is because the clear gel comes with an acidic solution that dissolves with the car paint, absorbing the surrounding color as it hardens.

Remove only small scratches, large marks on the paint may not be perfect

The car scratch remover is effective on minor paint marks. The gel that makes up Bye Scratches fills the gap and eliminates any trace of the problem.

But on the other hand, when the mark is very thick, it is possible that even filling in the entire gap, it is not able to absorb the color of the car’s paint completely and the repair is not perfect.

Main features of Bye Scratches car scratch remover pen

  • Quick scratch remover effect gel, visible effects after a few minutes.
  • You do not need any tools, drying works better with the vehicle in the sun.
  • Very easy to use applicator, you just have to fill in the scratch and remove the excess gel.
  • Works with all types of paints, both matte and glossy.
  • Suitable for motorcycles, cars, vans.
  • It can be used to repair the lacquering of electrical appliances and make them spotless again.
  • It is not advisable to repair scratches on glass.
  • The compound is non-toxic, it is easy to wash hands or clothes once applied.
  • The repair is totally resistant to water and sun, it will not be cleaned after cleaning the car or if heavy rain falls after applying it.
  • It is one of the most requested gadgets for cars in the last quarter and a star product at the end of the summer.
  • Once opened, you can continue to use the remaining product over time.
  • It is just as effective in matte paints, as in metallic ones.
  • Shipping costs are free worldwide.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Reviews and opinions of the Bye Scratches anti-scratch car

With small flaws the truth is that it works very well and covers them all without problems. But it is also true that when the car has a major scratch there is nothing to do and you have to go to the workshop.


I’ve already used up two tubes. The marks of the keys, the trunk and the part of the tank, whether you like it or not, usually have wear and tear and with the correction pencil it looks great. In my opinion it is a very good product for the car and I will continue to use it.

Aggregate rating
3.9 based in 248 reviews
Bye Scratches
Product Name:
Bye Scratches
EUR 29.95
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