Colour Pods Pro colored wireless headphones

A novel touch with Colour Pods Pro, the colored headphones, official product

Colour Pods Pro presents itself as a novel wireless colored headphones in a market already saturated with these products. In this review, we will be able to see what is new, and why they are such attractive wireless headphones for consumers.

What’s new in the Colour Pods Pro model?

This is a model of wireless headphones that offers the user, in addition to a beautiful design, a high transmission speed. This is thanks to the new Bluetooth 5.0 technology that increases the transmission speed up to two times more, and the reception range by up to four, being able to reach 40m.

Powerful wireless colored headphones for greater autonomy

These connection level enhancements allow enable the bluetooth headphones Colour Pods Pro to connect to devices even if they are further from us. Therefore, we can have music when playing sports in the gym, or at home without having to have the phone on us limiting our movements.

The most versatile Color Pods Pro headphones

With colored headphones Coulor Pods Pro you can listen to music from other rooms with total privacy as our review.

In addition to this, it allows you to play multiplayer games or be on simultaneous connections without cuts or problems.

Touch technology for greater comfort of use with Color Pods

The new Colour Pods Pro have a touch control system, which allows better control of wireless headphones. Thanks to this, they are easier and more comfortable to handle. They allow you to answer calls and hang up directly.

A note of color with these new headphones

Unlike iHeadphones, with Colour Pods Pro we have a range of very attractive electric colors. We can choose between blue, green, pink, white, gold and black. In addition, they have metallic shades that are very successful.Pink headphones are the most requested.

Hundreds of uses for your colour headphones Color Pods Pro

Due to its new technology, you can use the Colour Pods wireless headphones connected to many different devices. This allows you to play, watch movies or series without discomfort, listen to music in any situation, attend conferences, have online work meetings and everything you need.

Colour Pods Pro colorful wireless headphones reviews and opinions

I have bought some pink and others black colored headphones online and the pink model has a great tone, I love how it looks. They are also super comfortable to wear.


The sound quality is very good, I also agree with Maria, Color Pods are very comfortable to wear and easy to handle.


I ordered them last week and they came without problems. Thanks for this review. They work well and the truth is that the pink color of the headphones looks great.


I love the design, and they really are not that expensive, in my opinion the fact that the shipping costs are free lowers the real price a lot. In my opinion it is a very good article and colored headphones never go out of style.


I have one for when I go out to train, and it is true that sweat does not degrade them. The sound quality is good and I can link them to any phone I’ve tried, although the Gear Airbuds I also like.. And the new model that you have put on the home too.

Aggregate rating
3.8 based in 615 votes
Colour Pods Pro
Product Name
Colour Pods Pro colored headphones
EUR 59.95
Product Availability
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