Crossfit knee pads, best models of 2024

Train safer using the correct Crossfit knee pads

Crossfit exercises are an excellent complement to other types of training, or you can practice them as the only sport. On the other hand, it is also one of the sports where the knees are punished the most and knee sleeves can alleviate this problem.

Why it is advisable to use knee pads when practicing Crossfit

The combination of weight lifting and highly demanding exercises such as squats wear out the knees and stress the joints. With the right Crossfit knee pads you will increase stability and cushion jumping, running and weight exercises.

What type of knee pad is the best for practicing Crossfit?

Basically those that provide effective compression on the knee joints and the lateral area. In this way, faster and more effective heating is obtained. In addition, the appropriate Crossfit knee pads must allow freedom of natural movement of the leg.

These are the Crossfit knee sleeves best rated by users this year

Knee Hero, the most versatile knee pad

This is the model of sports knee protection most used in court sports such as handball and is more comfortable for Crossfit practice. The Hero brand is one of the most recommended.

Weekly inquiries 4.132

Kneedder, greater protection and resistance

For those who suffer from joint and meniuscus pain, the Kneedder knee brace is one of the best ways to prevent pain and injury. Basketball, handball or Crossfit players have greater stability and cushioning in push-ups, runs or jumps.

Weekly inquiries 3.774

Smart Knee Pad, the thermal knee pad

We have here a knee pad with direct heat on the knees that actively relieves pain, you can use it both to recover from injuries, to warm up before playing sports and to relieve pain .

Weekly inquiries 3.409

Qinux Kneessa, knee massager

For all those who suffer from pain and are prone to knee injuries, the Qinux Kneessa massager offers you heat massages with different levels of intensity. It is ideal for relieving pain and recovering from injuries.

Weekly inquiries 3.883

In addition to using knee pads, plan each Crossfit workout

There are guidelines that can help you prevent knee injuries regardless of whether you use protection or not and in any sporting discipline in which there is some risk. These are the most important:

  • Proper footwear: Avoid shoes that slip, and also those that can be fixed too tightly to avoid stress on the tendons of the knee and ankles.
  • Warm-up: it is very important to warm up correctly, especially if you are going to do strength or speed exercises.
  • Avoid inappropriate postures: Although there are exercises that can cause tension in the knees, if they are performed correctly the meniscus suffers less and therefore there is less wear.
  • Plan the sessions: Knowing the limits of each athlete and not exceeding them is crucial. For this reason, it is necessary to dedicate a much smaller part of each workout to exercises that stress the knees.

You can use Crossfit knee pads to relieve pain

Like the rest of compression sports kneepads, if you suffer from Pain after training, or when you get up, you may have a small injury. If you want to relieve pain with this type of knee pads it will work for you, but it is advisable to go to a specialist and get a diagnosis.

Links to related knee pad reviews

  • Knee Hero
  • Kneedder
  • Smart Knee Pad
  • Qinux Kneessa
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