EMS massager, these are the most used models

Nowadays everyone has an EMS massager at home, find out why

An EMS massager, the acronym comes from (Electrical Muscle Stimulation), is a device used to stimulate different muscles by low-frequency electrical impulses. today there are all kinds, for feet, neck, knees or even for the whole body.

What are EMS massagers for

Until recently, electrostimulation massages were used in physiotherapy sessions. The devices were expensive, and were bought by professionals. Today, EMS massagers have evolved, are cheaper, and are used to relieve pain, improve muscle tone or burn fat.

From head to toe, there are EMS massagers of all kinds

Next, we show you our list with the best EMS massager for each type of situation, from relieving foot pain to tightening abdominal muscles, going through neck pain or even knee pain.

Footy Massager Carpet, EMS session for your feet

One of the most demanded products are EMS massage mats for feet, Footy Massager Carpet is the one with the best rating in terms of quality and price.

In addition to this, it is designed to be used both at home and when traveling. Its effectiveness has made it the best seller this year.

Electrapy, EMS massager for the whole body

Unlike the previous product, the Electrapy electrostimulation massage device works on the entire body, both neck and back as well as arms and legs.

In addition to this, you can use it to relieve muscle tension or to stimulate and strengthen your muscles as a complement to your training.

Qinux Kneessa, special EMS knee massager

If you need to relieve pain in your knees or are recovering from some type of injury, Qinux Kneessa’s electrostimulation massages can help you. This device is the first of its kind specifically for use on the knee.

In addition to this, you can use it to reduce wear and tear and relax tension if you are on your feet for a long time or do sports with strides and jumps.

Neck Relax Plus, among the best EMS neck massagers

Finally we present the Neck Relax Plus electrostimulation neck massager. It is one of the most complete in its category, with up to 18 combinations of massage intensity and speed.

In addition to this, it stands out for its value for money and for the enormous benefits that the device offers you in relation to others in its same category.

What are the benefits of an EMS massager?

Finally, we show you in detail the benefits of using an electrostimulation massage device, both for your body and for your mind:

  • First of all, they relieve pain and fatigue. When you have muscle or foot pain, stimulating the affected muscles relaxes them, thus reducing discomfort.
  • Next, they help with muscle hardening. Massages by electrostimulation combined with specific sports help to obtain better performance. It is advisable not to use it at early growth ages.
  • In addition to this, using an EMS massager helps in the recovery of certain injuries, since it improves blood circulation and reduces muscle tension.
  • Finally, improve your rest and with it your sleep as well as your mood. A person without pain and rested is always happier.
  • Note, certain massagers are beginning to be used to relieve varicose veins or fluid retention in the feet with very positive results.

Final conclusions from the author of the EMS massager review

Personally, I can assure you that for those who suffer from neck and back discomfort, a good electrostimulation massage before going to sleep helps a lot to alleviate pain and to fall asleep. In addition, to define the abdominal area they work very well if combined with exercises.

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