FitPro, smartwatch cheaper and improved now

The best sports control with FitPro smartwatch, the cheapest in its category

FitPro smartwatch is one of the so-called low-mid-range sports watches that is sold at a much lower price than its competitors, and that can sometimes lead to doubts when buying it. We have seen the product, and we believe that it is not so, let’s see why.

Whoever is looking for the FitPro Smartwatch is buying a cheap watch for intense use

It is clear that not everyone is willing to spend a huge amount of money for a sports watch. In the first place, because in a couple of years they become obsolete, and secondly, because they tend to break due to daily activity. The FitPro Smartwatch type model is for those who do not want to spend almost money.

The FitPro smartwatch APP the weak point of the product

The watch itself is good, the quality of the FitPro smartwatch is very good, but many people complain about the APP, that is why alternatives can be used.

In addition to this, the company’s return policy allows you to return it if there is a problem.

Advantages and disadvantages of the type model FitPro smartwatch

  • The official application sometimes gives an installation problem, but you can use others and this one has been improved.
  • For Android you have the official one here
  • If you want to connect with an iOS smartphone, this is the one you must download.
  • On the other hand, the price-quality ratio is very acceptable, even good.
  • You have a long battery life.
  • The model is fully waterproof.
  • The display has been upgraded with a higher quality liquid crystal LED.
  • The Bluetooth system is more powerful than the latest generation.
  • Sincerely, the manufacturer of this model has made an effort to improve the product.
  • The menu is more colorful and visual.
  • It is next to the smartwatch Koretrak one of the best-selling watches of the moment.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • If you have doubts about the product, do your research before placing an order and do not buy anything until you are sure that it fits what you are looking for.

FitPro smartwatch reviews and opinions

I do not quite like it, although it is true that a friend bought it on another website and it was uglier than mine, this one looks of higher quality and better finish.

Traffic officer

This model is different from the one sold by others. On the web it marks many more features and a more complete finish. I think I’m going to buy it.


Aggregate rating
4.4 based in 88 reviews

Fitpro smartwatch
Product Name:
Fitpro smartwatch
EUR 49.95

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