Froozee the ideal snow and ice scraper

Avoid surprises with the Froozee scraper on your winter trips

Froozee is an electric car ice scraper that has a rotating circular head designed to remove frost and snow from car windows and glass. You can comfortably have your car available in minutes and without effort.

Avoid breakage when removing ice from the crystals with the Froozee scraper

The most common window and glass breakage occurs when removing ice or snow with unsuitable tools. The hardened silicone blades of the Froozee Electric Ice Scraper are designed to remove ice and impurities without breaking or scratching the crystals.

The Froozee electric ice scraper can always be used

Thanks to the fact that it has a battery with a USB charger, we can use an adapter to connect the car battery and always have the Froozee ice scraper available. We can also load it in any other connection.

In addition to this, its battery retains a charge for a long time even when it is not used, and keeps the device functional when you need it.

Features and uses of the Froozee ice scraper

  • Powerful and energy-efficient battery, with low weight and high load capacity.
  • Totally waterproof, you can even submerge it.
  • High performance rotary head, you will remove ice and snow effortlessly.
  • 60 degree angle hardened silicone blades that allow you to clean the glass without damaging it.
  • You can remove hardened ice, nine, dried mud and more.
  • In addition to this, you can use the ice scraper on windows, blinds, the car body, and other surfaces that are covered in ice or snow.
  • The handle is very comfortable to handle, and allows you to clean with total comfort.
  • Available in yellow and gray.
  • Small in size, you can store it in the trunk or glove compartment of the car.
  • It is not recommended to use it on concrete or rough surfaces to avoid damaging the blades.
  • Together with Mini Vac Cleaner it is the ideal equipment to keep the car clean inside and outside.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 14 days of return without obligation
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has a legal tax identification and makes the direct sale by sending from the brand’s factory, without the intermediation of third parties. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are kept 100%

Reviews and opinions of the Froozee ice scraper

Most of the times that I travel to inland areas in winter, it dawns with some snowfall and with the car covered. It is a hassle to get the glasses well in no time and one of the worst experiences on vacation.


Since I was late to a friend’s wedding because I couldn’t see anything in the car after a snowfall, it’s clear to me that you always have to have a way to quickly clean the windows. I’m going to do a test with one of these devices to see how it works.


Aggregate rating
4.4 based in 22 reviews

Product Name:
EUR 49.95

Product Availability
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