HyperDrone, with HD camera and GPS

Greater power and flight autonomy with HyperDrone for the best videos

HyperDrone is the new mid-size quadcopter designed to have better flight quality, greater autonomy and better performance than other devices in its class thanks to its integrated advances. It is definitely the older and improved brother of the Drone XPro.

Almost half an hour of flight with the new HyperDrone

First of all, we find as a novelty we find a high energy efficiency battery of 7.4V and 2200mAh that will provide us with almost half an hour of flight (32 minutes approx.). In addition to this the HyperDrone model has an automatic return system when the battery level is low in order to prevent it from getting lost or falling on unwanted areas

High quality 4K videos thanks to its camera and active stabilizer

The new HyperDrone comes equipped with a powerful proactive smart stabilizer that will allow you to prevent the wind from destabilizing the quadcopter and your videos are shaky and ugly.

In addition to this, it has a 4K camera with a 120º angle that will allow you to record very high quality sequences.

Main features of the HyperDrone HD camera drone

  • Larger dimensions that provide better flight stability 23X19X5.
  • Flight autonomy of up to 32 minutes.
  • Flight distance up to 2000m without interference.
  • 3.5GHz remote control and 3.5 hours of battery life.
  • GPS tracking system up to 30m. The quadcopter can follow you recording video up to 30m from the user.
  • It has real-time transmission, WiFi connection
  • Two types of GPS system, tracking and return to base.
  • Camera with video recording and photos of all kinds in 4K.
  • You can add a zoom to get spectacular boomerang effects.
  • It also has speed and fixed point adjustment in flight.
  • Stability control is improved for perfect flight in wind.
  • Improved version of the best drones for children due to their reliability and quality.
  • If you want to always have it located even if it falls and has no batteries, you can attach the XY Find It device to it.
  • The alternative as a drone to learn and improve flight capabilities is the StealthHawk Pro mini helicopter
  • New: You can paint it with reflective paint for night flights.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • Free shipping worldwide.
  • The seller has a legal tax identification and makes direct sales by sending from the brand’s factory, without third party intermediation. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are kept 100%

Reviews, test and opinions of the drone with stability control HyperDrone

I have the smallest model and the truth is that it is a brand that works very well, and that gives all the guarantees. I think it’s a good device, and maybe I’ll buy it if the one I already have breaks.

Courier carrier

I have one and it’s really cool. The videos are very good and I am taking a few live on my YouTube channel doing mountain biking that are succeeding. Of course, the quadcopter follows you, but if there is a tree in the middle it hits it without remedy, you must be careful with the trajectories for action videos.

Personal trainer

Aggregate rating
4.1 based in 217 reviews

Product Name:
EUR 59.95

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