Kelvin 8, emergency kit and multipurpose tool for your car

This new car tool is called Kelvin 8, and it can save your life

Kelvin 8 is a multipurpose tool with eight different functionalities that may be necessary in cases of emergencies of any kind, from a traffic accident to a breakdown in the middle of nowhere.

Keep your position visible with the Kelvin 8 car tool

If you have any breakdown, it doesn’t matter what vehicle it is. The strobe lights and flashlight that can be attached by means of magnets to any surface of the Kelvin 8 multi-purpose tool allow you to always be visible. It also includes a 100Db siren for emergencies.

In the event of an accident, the Kelvin 8 tool allows you to free yourself from the vehicle

Thanks to the belt cutter and an emergency hammer to break car windows, with the Kelvin 8 multipurpose tool you can easily free yourself if you are trapped in your vehicle in the event of an accident.

In addition to this, its 2000 Mah battery that you can charge using a manual dynamo will allow you to always have power on your phone to be able to make any call in case of emergency.

Features and benefits of the Kelvin 8 multi-purpose car tool

  • Battery rechargeable by USB or by dynamo manually with 2,000 MaH capacity.
  • Very effective seat belt cutter with finger protection line.
  • Hammer to break glass in case of emergencies.
  • High power flashlight for any breakdown in the dark.
  • Very powerful luminous SOS signal that gives you visibility at a great distance.
  • Strobe light that allows you to keep the vehicle signaled in cases of breakdown.
  • Four neodymium magnets to attach the tool to the vehicle in any position.
  • 100 decibel siren that allows you to be located if you get lost, or if you fall into a ravine or any other need.
  • Along with Kelvin 17 Tools is one of the star products of this brand.
  • Ideal to take in the car, camping or to have at home in case of power outages.
  • Most valued safety tool this year along with SafeHammer the safety hammer emergency.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 14 days of return without obligation
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has a legal tax identification and makes the direct sale, sending from the brand’s factory, without the intermediation of third parties. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are maintained 100%
  • In case of problems with your purchase, please keep your order number. We can help you at with any of the online stores.

Final rating of the Kelvin 8 multipurpose flashlight review

We can define it as complete, useful and very versatile. It is a tool that you are going to use for sure, especially the flashlight, since it is powerful, comfortable and easy to handle. In addition, having it on hand gives more security.

Conclusions and opinions of the author of the review of the Kelvin 8 multi-purpose tool

After trying the flashlight and emergency lights a couple of times, I’m sold on them. The charging bank is great for field trips, although it doesn’t charge very fast. On the other hand, it is light and compact, so it stores well and can always be at hand. I think it’s a very good product.

Aggregate rating
4.4 based in 33 reviews


Kelvin 8
Product Name:
Kelvin 8
EUR 51.99

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