Mini-Vac Cleaner the dynamic car vacuum cleaner

The portable vacuum cleaner for car, Mini-Vac Cleaner will surprise you

Mini-Vac Cleaner is a new portable car vacuum cleaner that you can use anywhere in the house, or wherever you go. In this way you will have the possibility of always having the vehicle or your surroundings clean in a few minutes and with total comfort.

Savings guaranteed with the Mini-Vac Cleaner portable car vacuum cleaner

Every year in gas station vacuum machines you can spend a lot of money cleaning your car, especially if you go out to the fields or the beach a lot. Using the Mini-Vac Cleaner portable car vacuum cleaner in a single summer you can amortize its price.

Keep difficult corners of the house clean with Mini-Vac Cleaner

Besides being a great portable vacuum cleaner car with Mini-Vac Cleaner you can clean furniture and hard to reach places in the house.

In addition to this, you can easily take it anywhere and use it at your vacation home, office or wherever you need it.

Main features of the Mini-Vac Cleaner car vacuum cleaner

  • The battery is light, fast-charging and long-lasting.
  • The suction system is powerful, making it easy to clean upholstery.
  • You can vacuum up beach sand and dust without any problems.
  • It has a fine head that allows you to reach all corners and joints of furniture and difficult areas.
  • The device is really light and handy.
  • You can perform dry cleaning and in wet areas.
  • HEPA filters are easy to remove, wash and change.
  • It also takes up very little space and can be transported without discomfort.
  • It is ideal to have the car clean instantly after returning from the beach, the mountains or any place where dirt is dragged into the vehicle.
  • You can vacuum even on wet upholstery.
  • Other models such as VacuumGo Pro are equipped with the same suction system.

Advantages for buying the Mini-Vac Cleaner cordless vacuum cleaner

  • If you accidentally vacuum earrings or small jewels, you can recover them unlike gas station vacuum cleaners.
  • Together with the Inflator Car X portable tire inflator, it is one of the best accessories for cars.
  • It is advisable not to vacuum in very wet areas or directly in the water to avoid any type of breakdown in the circuit.
  • For large surfaces it is advisable to clean first with Smart Broom and thus you will save energy and obtain a better cleaning.
  • You can also use it in small spaces in the home or office if you don’t want to use large and bulky household vacuum cleaners. It is the perfect mini vacuum cleaner for the house, sofas etc.
  • It is advisable to start cleaning with the device fully charged to maintain full power for a longer time.
  • Like any car peripheral device, it works anywhere, and you can change the car whenever you want.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has a legal tax identification and makes the direct sale by sending from the brand’s factory, without third-party intermediation. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are kept 100%

Reviews and opinions of the Mini-Vac Cleaner portable car vacuum cleaner

I have children and in the summer they leave my car really dirty. I usually spend a fortune every summer to keep my car clean every week. I’m going to buy it just to save.

Technical engineer

My car is new and it is exactly the device I need to keep it clean on a continuous basis. Also, since I am single, it will be good for me to clean my apartment. Long live the mini vacuum cleaners !!

Taxi driver

I have pets and I end up pulling hair from every corner of the house, but there is always some left. If the nozzles are thin for the sofas it can be a great help.

Warehouse operator

Aggregate rating
3.9 based in 202 reviews

Mini-Vac Cleaner
Product Name:
Mini-Vac Cleaner
EUR 59.95

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