Omega DataCube vs. The PhotoStick Omni

Choose your best option between Omega DataCube and The Photo Stick Omni

Omega DataCube and The Photo Stick Omni are two flash drives with up to 265Gb of memory, both of which also have custom software for storing and organizing photos and smartphone files. We are going to see advantages and disadvantages between both models.

Same price between Omega DataCube and The Photo Stick Omni

One of the things that has caught our attention is that even though they are different companies, both products compete on price, offering the same prices in their different memories. Both the Omega DataCube and The Photo Stick Omni have a basic price of €57.07 for the 32Gb model and €142.68 for its 265Gb models.

We compare the software of the Omega DataCube with that of The Photo Stick Omni

In this case, and unlike the price, we do see more differences. Although in the case of ThePhotosStick Omni, it seems more advanced, (+50,000 downloads), and Omega DataCube only +500, the first one is much more visual and intuitive, and the second one seems less developed.

Advantages of The Photo Stick Omni

Thanks to its more intuitive interface, and its universal input, The Photo Stick Omni is more versatile than its competitor Omega DataCube, it is also handled with great ease and without the need for technical knowledge.

Advantages of Omega DataCube

If we are looking for any reason to buy the Omega DataCube and not The Photo Stick Omni, it is that you can download files to memory while you sleep, in automatic mode and save time , in addition to that you can clean the cache of the smartphone.

Features, similarities and differences between the Omega DataCube and The Photo Stick Omni

  • Same price between the two brands, both also have 32,64,128 and 256Gb memories
  • Software much more complete, visual and intuitive in The PhotoStick Omni, you can download it here for Android.
  • On the other hand, the Omega DTC application allows you to perform the tasks of downloading and cleaning the smartphone when you charge the phone automatically, download it here (Android).
  • Free distribution licenses, you can use any pendrive for the two programs, but the official one is recommended.
  • Both devices are compatible with iOS, Android, Windows Phone, but ThePhotoStick model can also be used on PCs and laptops.
  • This is our authorized review of The Photo Stick Omni with opinions and all the information.
  • In addition to this, we also have the review of Omega DataCube with prices and references.
  • Although the Omega model has much fewer downloads, it must be taken into account that it has been on the market for much less time and is not as well known.
  • Both software have much higher than average ratings in the Download Store.
  • In addition, the two products are currently consolidating as leading references in terms of portable memory.
  • If you are not sure which is the best of the two devices for you, you can always try them both.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have a 60-day return without obligation on both.
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The two brands have legal tax identification and carry out direct sales by sending from the brand’s factory, without third-party intermediation. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are maintained 100%
  • In case of problems with your purchase, please retain your order number. We can help you at with any of the online stores.
  • All data is taken from the product specifications issued by the manufacturers, including their distribution permits in the EU, UK, US, Canada and the rest of the world.

Opinions Highlights Between Omega DataCube and The Photo Stick Omni

Among the majority of references from real users of both products, it should be noted that the satisfaction between both products due to their ease of use is the most outstanding. Although some Omega users have told us that they have some doubts in the initial installation.

Final assessment and conclusions of the review of Photo Stick Omni versus Omega Data Cube

In addition to having the same storage capacity, the two devices have very similar applications and even the same price.In conclusion, when comparing Photo Stick Omni versus Omega Data Cube, it seems that they are different brands from the same company.

How to choose which of the two models to buy

If you use the memory to transfer documents to your computer or tablet and need agility, it is more advisable in ThePhotoStick model, while if what you need is simply a comfortable and simple storage that improves the health of your smartphone, the Omega model may be your Better option.

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