Qinux Ezpoon, the spoon with precision electronic scale for your kitchen

Get your recipes to the point with Qinux Ezpoon, the precision spoon

Qinux Ezpoon is a spoon with a precision electronic scale that allows you to weigh food and any ingredient with a scale that includes decigrams and can reach 55g in a single weighing. This allows you to measure recipes with ease and elegance.

Do you follow a diet? With the Qinux Ezpoon measuring spoon you won’t go overboard

For many people, having to measure the weight of food is tedious, and they usually do it by eye. In the case of diet measures, it happens with the amount of sugar, or carbohydrates. If you use a spoon with a scale like Qinux Ezpoon you can measure these foods instantly and not overdo it.

With the Qinux Ezpoon spoon with scale you can follow each recipe to the millimeter

If you like cooking, and especially baking, with the 500g capacity of the Qinux Ezpoon measuring spoon you can follow any recipe in detail with the exact weight of each ingredient. From flours and sugars to liquids.

In addition to this, since it can be cleaned and dried in seconds, you will save a lot of space and hours of cleaning. And it is ideal for the little ones to learn to cook.

Features and advantages of the Qinux Ezpoon digital spoon scale

  • It works with an AAA+ battery that can last you years without changing.
  • Exact weight measurement from 0.1g to 500g with deviation of +/- 0.02g.
  • Removable and easy to clean, allowing you to go from one ingredient to another in seconds.
  • Ideal for liquids, flours, sugar, spices, grains such as rice, legumes or pasta.
  • Button to tare each measurement.
  • It also has different modes, which allow you to change metric units.
  • Base with perfect balance, to be able to place it on any surface as a scale.
  • Ideal so that the little ones can learn the fundamentals of cooking by playing.
  • If you follow the recipe from Beyond Body this can be the perfect measuring utensil.
  • Designed for people who follow diets, for cooking lovers in general and so that you can take it with you if you need to measure your food in the office, on a trip, etc.
  • E, chosen product of this semester for the kitchen along with the Huusk knives for their versatility.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 14 days of return without obligation
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  • The seller has a legal tax identification and makes the direct sale, sending from the brand’s factory, without the intermediation of third parties. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are maintained 100%
  • In case of problems with your purchase, please keep your order number. We can help you at help@youneedthisgadget.com with any of the online stores.

Our final evaluation of the Qinux Ezpoon spoon scale

Excellent product for cooking and baking lovers. It takes up very little space and is perfect for people who follow a more strict diet, as it allows you to measure food immediately and not go overboard when you are working or traveling.

Conclusions and opinions of the review author of the Qinux Ezpoon spoon with scale

I received the order in a few days. It is disassembled very easily and the passage is very exact. I really liked that you can weigh while using the spoon without having to leave it on a flat surface. Yes, you have to set it correctly to avoid making mistakes.

Aggregate rating
4.5 based in 19 reviews


Qinux Ezpoon
Product Name:
Qinux Ezpoon
EUR 39.95

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