Qinux Grinie, the traditional coffee grinder

Prepare coffee to your liking with Qinux Grinie, the designer manual grinder

Qinux Grinie is a portable coffee grinder that allows you to grind coffee for all types of preparations, from espresso to Italian coffee makers. It is also completely portable, clean and with an airtight container that preserves the ground grain for days.

Enjoy customized coffee anywhere with Qinux Grinie

Thanks to the fact that it is portable, and that it does not need electricity, you can take the Qinux Grinie coffee grinder with you to use while camping, in the coffee maker in your office or at home with complete guarantee of having a coffee to your liking for any coffee maker (except capsule ones).

Pollute less with the Qinux Grinie coffee grinder

Drinking capsule coffee has become fashionable, and every day it generates thousands of kilos of plastic that pollute the planet. With the Qinux Grinie coffee grinder we will stop generating kilos of pollutants per year per person.

In addition to this, naturally ground coffee is much healthier than most prefabricated industrial products, also free of microplastics and without preservative chemicals.

Features and advantages of the Qinux Grinie traditional coffee grinder

  • Manual operation, does not consume electricity.
  • Deposit with capacity to grind several cups of coffee.
  • Different types of grinding to obtain finer or coarser powder.
  • You can use it in any type of coffee maker or to make strainer coffee.
  • In addition, it is ideal for mixing different types of grain and thus obtain new aromas tailored to your needs.
  • You can use it to grind other grains and spices, since cleaning steel does not mix aromas.
  • Easy cleaning, the grinder can be disassembled and assembled in minutes.
  • Shock resistant and stainless steel, it will last you for years.
  • Protection against cuts and access, it does not grind until it is assembled. Even so, it is advisable to keep it out of the reach of small children.
  • If you also want a healthier coffee you can use HydroPure Bottle to hydrogenate the preparation water.
  • Along with the Santoku Huusk knives es one of the best-selling kitchen gadgets this year.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 14 days of return without obligation
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has a legal tax identification and makes the direct sale, sending from the brand’s factory, without the intermediation of third parties. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are maintained 100%
  • In case of problems with your purchase, please keep your order number. We can help you at help@youneedthisgadget.com with any of the online stores.

Our final evaluation of the Qinux Grinie traditional coffee grinder

It is a very interesting gadget for coffee lovers. In addition to allowing us to enjoy the roast to our liking every day, it gives us the opportunity to show off with our visitors. It is also portable and very manageable.

Conclusions and opinions of the Qinux Grinie coffee grinder review author

The order arrived quite quickly, only 6 days. The grinder is made of good material, it is hard and closes tightly. Grinding grain is an art, you can really get the textures to your liking, although you have to practice a little. Plus you can grind without effort.

Aggregate rating
4.5 based in 7 reviews


Qinux Grinie
Product Name:
Qinux Grinie
EUR 49.95

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