Qinux UseBit, USB flash drive with unbreakable AES-256 encryption

Keep your personal files safe with Qinux UseBit and its military protection

Qinux UseBit is an AES-256 encrypted USB flash drive. This means that it uses one of the most secure encryption in the world, which even the NSA uses for its top secret files. Only whoever has the key can access its content.

Bitcoin, bank accounts and personal data safe with Qinux UseBit

If you have sensitive data, it is best to protect it, especially high-value data, such as access to bank accounts, work projects or client data, even your Bitcoin wallet. With the Qinux UseBit encrypted USB flash drive that information will always be safe.

Two-way encryption adaptable to all OS with Qinux UseBit

One of the advantages of the bidirectional AES-256 encryption of Qinux UseBit security pendrives is that they are compatible with all types of operating systems. You can load the data from iOS or Android either way.

In addition to this, its capacity of up to 32Gb and a 3.0 SuperSpeed transmission speed of 5 Gbps will allow you to handle a large volume of data in a very short time.

Features and benefits of the Qinux UseBit security USB flash drive

  • AES-256 encryption also known as Rijandel, in a 256-bit key that allows data to be encrypted and decrypted using a numerical key.
  • Up to 32Gb of storage, (encryption software takes up very little space).
  • USB 3.0/SuperSpeed transmission speed reaching 5 Gbps.
  • Double security firewall (when entering and extracting data) with password created by the user.
  • Physical keyboard to enter the key, so that it cannot be decrypted with data theft software.
  • If you lose the key, you lose the data. Write it down in a safe place just in case.
  • In addition, it has pre-installed software that allows you to search and organize files easily, without requiring advanced knowledge.
  • manial keyboard to enter the password. It is like a safe to store data safely.
  • Together with Omni DataSafe is the safest in its category.
  • To save more trivial files, with PhotoStick Omni you will have a tool of up to 256Gb if you need it.
  • Compatible with Mac, Windows, Linux iOs, Android. (For smartphones you will need a connection cable)
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 14 days of return without obligation
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has a legal tax identification and makes the direct sale, sending from the brand’s factory, without the intermediation of third parties. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are maintained 100%
  • In case of problems with your purchase, please keep your order number. We can help you at help@youneedthisgadget.com with any of the online stores.

Our final evaluation of the Qinux UseBit security USB with keyboard

For anyone who needs to keep their data safe, this memory stick is an excellent option. So far there is no known software that can reliably decrypt AES-256 encryption and that is a guarantee.

Conclusions and opinions of the author of the Qinux UseBit encrypted memory review

I can assure you that it works very well and is very safe. I have tried to decode the files and it has been impossible without the key. It adapts without problems to Mac and Windows, for Android and iOS I needed a cable, but once installed it works great. It is a guarantee of security.

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4.5 based in 16 reviews


Qinux UseBit
Product Name:
Qinux UseBit
EUR 79.95

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