Qinux Zealot, Bluetooth speaker with pairing

Non-stop music with Qinux Zealot, the speaker that will always accompany you

Qinux Zealot is a 360º Bluetooth speaker with a new improved battery that allows you to listen to music for more than 10 hours without pause. With a small size and a crisper mesh drum, it is one of the most efficient portable sound systems in its category.

Immersive sound at low cost with the Qinux Zealot Bluetooth speaker

Thanks to a high-performance 5W neodymium bass driver and a specially designed acoustic grill to provide homogeneous sound, the Qinux Zealot Bluetooth speakers provide great sound quality with a surround effect and a very good price.

High-quality experiences with paired Qinux Zealot speakers

Thanks to the new functions of smartphones and computers, we can use applications that allow us to create a multipoint connection and thus play on several Qinux Zealot Bluetooth speakers simultaneously.

In addition to this, applications like Ampme allow you to pair any number of speakers to the same synchronized playback, although you need several phones to create a functional network.

Features and benefits of the Qinux Zealot Bluetooth speaker

  • 2 X 1,800 MaH battery that allows you to enjoy music for up to 10 hours without pause according to the manufacturer’s review.
  • Charging time of 4 to 5 hours depending on the charger.
  • Signal-to-noise ratio >-85Db, which provides clear, high-quality sound.
  • 5W bass power + 12W treble with a sensation of surround sound thanks to its 360º grilles.
  • Bluetooth 5.0 connection with control from the smartphone, simpler and easier to use.
  • Reach range of 10 meters. Ideal for smart TV, video games, for the desk or to take wherever you want.
  • Pairing function: You can pair up to two speakers by default.
  • Together with Beatfy 360 it is one of the best sellers of its category.
  • Greater sound balance thanks to the more precise and powerful neodymium bass driver.
  • Only the Bluetooth speaker NanoBoom is smaller than this one model, although less powerful.
  • Compatible with PC, Tablet, Android or iOS phones.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 14 days of return without obligation
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has a legal tax identification and makes the direct sale, sending from the brand’s factory, without the intermediation of third parties. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are maintained 100%
  • In case of problems with your purchase, please keep your order number. We can help you at help@youneedthisgadget.com with any of the online stores.

Final rating of the Qinux Zealot Bluetooth speaker with pairing review

With a very modern design and an above-normal battery (3,600 MaH) compared to other models of the same price, this is an excellent offer. Product of good quality and high performance.

Conclusions and opinions of the review author of the Qinux Zealot portable speakers

After testing two paired at the same time, I can assure you that the sound is tremendously good. The synchronization is perfect, and also, if you make the most of the batteries, they finish at the same time on both speakers (9h 20min).

Aggregate rating
4.4 based in 22 reviews


Qinux Zealot
Product Name:
Qinux Zealot
EUR 79.95

Product Availability
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