Qinux ZumGo is the cordless blender for your pace of life

Turn the glass of Qinux ZumGo upside down and pour yourself a good glass of vitality

Qinux ZumGo is a cordless blender that you can charge via USB and take with you wherever you want. Its homogeneous and practical shape is ideal for taking it assembled anywhere, assembling your smoothies, turning it over and serving them with all their flavor.

Prevent your smoothie from rusting, do it instantly with the Qinux ZumGo USB blender

If you carry the prepared smoothies with you, and they are made from natural fruits, after a short time they begin to oxidize, change color and flavor, and lose their nutrients. With the Qinux ZumGo portable blender you can take the fruit or vegetables with you and make the smoothie instantly.

If you have children, the Qinux ZumGo USB cordless blender is your best companion

If you have children, both babies and older ones, having the possibility of preparing a juice, smoothie or porridge for them at any time is ideal. With the Qinux ZumGo portable blender you will always have this possibility at hand, as it fits in your pocket.

In addition to this, it is ideal for traveling, you can prepare smoothies in the car, on the beach, or on the street if you need, and its 340 ml glass with airtight closure It allows you to bring drinks already prepared if you need it.

Features and advantages of the Qinux ZumGo cordless blender

  • Battery with USB charging, you can use it to prepare up to 25-35 juices and smoothies.
  • Easy to clean, rinse in water and wipe with a cloth and does not retain flavors.
  • Independently portable 340 Ml glass that you can also carry with the whisk mounted.
  • You can make smoothies, porridge, slushies and more between 25 and 35 seconds, depending on the density of each food.
  • As it is not a metal glass, the temperature of the drinks does not stay hot or cold for as long.
  • If you want to keep the smoothies hot or cold for longer, use the Ringo bottle which also has a smartphone holder.
  • Stable base, with air support that prevents the device from tipping over.
  • Few noises and vibrations, its 2400 R.p.m works very elegantly.
  • In addition to this, you can prepare soft drinks, porridge, food and protein shakes, slushes and cocktails (crunch ice easily).
  • Interchangeable glasses if you need to prepare several flavors at the same time or larger quantities.
  • Together with Qinux Smotix is one of the best sellers in its category this quarter.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 14 days of return without obligation
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has a legal tax identification and makes the direct sale, sending from the brand’s factory, without the intermediation of third parties. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are maintained 100%
  • In case of problems with your purchase, please keep your order number. We can help you at help@youneedthisgadget.com with any of the online stores.

Final rating of the Qinux ZumGo cordless blender review

With a power of 2400 r.p.p it is more than enough to prepare any food mixture. The blades look quality and the container is compact and elegant. It fits in any bag or backpack and is lightweight. It really looks like a very good product.

Conclusions and opinions of the review author of the Qinux ZumGo portable blender

Personally, I liked it a lot, it is very practical, and if you have several glasses you can have a lot of party mixing cocktails. It washes very easily and with a full battery I was able to make 26 smoothies in a row (yes, I counted them) and then it charges via USB in an hour or so. Very good product.

Aggregate rating
4.4 based in 26 reviews


Qinux ZumGo
Product Name:
Qinux ZumGo
EUR 69.95

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