React by ChargeHub the emergency car kit

With the set of 7 tools React by ChargeHub you will solve many problems

React by ChargeHub is a 7-in-one tool kit specially designed for roadside emergencies. In the event of an accident or breakdown, this new invention can get you or anyone you meet out of more than one trouble.

You won’t get stuck in the car with React by ChargeHub

One of the biggest dangers in the event of being involved in an accident, or dragged in the middle of a flood of water, is not being able to get out of the vehicle in time. With the belt cutter and the pointed steel head of React by ChargeHub you can save your life and that of anyone who is trapped in the middle of an accident.

Always in communication with the React by ChargeHub charger and its charging bank

Of the seven tools that we have in the React By ChargeHub kit, the ones that we will use the most are the ultra-fast USB charger and the integrated charging bank that will allow us to always have the phone at full capacity.

In addition to this, the signal flashlight and the emergency alarm will always be available and with sufficient power.

Features of the 7-in-one toolkit from React by ChargeHub

  • The seven tools come in a small and handy kit, and it is made up of the following elements.
  • Cut seat belt.
  • Flashlight for signals and to illuminate in dark areas.
  • 50dB emergency siren.
  • Strobe emergency light that allows signaling the car in case of breakdowns.
  • Steel-tipped hammer effect head for breaking vehicle glass.
  • 2200 mAh portable power bank that allows you to charge other devices.
  • USB input with charger for the 12V car cigarette lighter that you can use continuously.
  • It is made with long-lasting parts, resistant to water and corrosion.
  • It is advisable to always carry V16 hazard lights in the car.
  • You must keep the tool out of the reach of children.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee and up to 30 days of return without obligation.
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has a legal tax identification and makes direct sales by sending from the brand’s factory, without third party intermediation. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are kept 100%

Reviews and opinions of the React by ChargeHub car kit of 7 tools

The fact that you can take a 30-day test and return it gives me a little more confidence than those sold by Amazon and other sites. It also seems to me something very useful to go on the road.

Forest ranger

In my profession, any security tool that involves advances seems like an advance. I’ve had bad experiences and the closer we have to get people out of the car, the better.

Limousine driver

Aggregate rating
4.5 based in 41 reviews

React by ChargeHub
Product Name:
React by ChargeHub
EUR 43.80

Product Availability
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