Safe Swabber, rotating ears cleaner

Clean ears without pain with Safe Swabber, the evolution of QGrips

Safe Swabber are the new spiral ear cleaners from the well-known QGrips brand, and which have meant an improvement in terms of the quality of its components and the effectiveness of its mechanics, with more features and the guarantee of this excellent firm.

Which spiral ear cleaner is better Safe Swabber or QGrips?

Since they are from the same manufacturer, both machines are very similar and the silicone heads are interchangeable between the two devices. Both the Safe Swabber and QGrips spiral ear cleaners have the same features, although the stock of the former is more up-to-date.

You can buy the Safe Swabber electric ear cleaner in pharmacies or on its official website

One of the great advantages apart from its price, the cheapest in its category, is that you can find the Safe Swabber ear cleaner in pharmacies or on its official website.

In addition to this, you can purchase refills for QGrips and other standard earwax removers and use them in this device.

Safe Swabber Ear Cleaner Features Compared to QGrips

  • Both models use the same soft silicone tips.
  • They remove earwax painlessly, very gently but effectively.
  • Same battery capacity and charging speed.
  • Price of €29.95 on both devices, with the same discounts when buying more than one unit.
  • Heads of different sizes to be able to use them in children and adults.
  • They remove dirt from the ear quickly and do not damage the inner ear.
  • Different cleaning speeds.
  • Same assembly and cleaning pattern, very simple and intuitive.
  • Once charged, they do not need cables and are very easy to handle.
  • The Save model can be said to be a transition from QGrips in order to reform the brand.
  • Ranked among the best spiral ear cleaners spiral ears on the market.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 14 days to return without commitment
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has a legal tax ID and sells directly from the brand’s factory, without the intermediation of third parties. It is NOT sale by dropshipping and your data and consumer rights are kept 100%

Safe Swabber Spiral Ear Cleaner Reviews and Opinions

If there is no difference between one product and another, what is the point of selling the two brands at the same price? If the product works you don’t need so many names.

Job interviewer

All of these earwax removal devices work similarly in my experience. I did a test with one, and I liked it, I use it especially in the summer, which is when I go to more places with music and I get plugs.


Aggregate rating
4.5 based in 31 reviews

Safe Swabber
Product Name:
Safe Swabber
EUR 29.95

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