Tactical Drone, more resistant and cheaper

Like every year, Tactical Drone is one of the most original gifts

Tactical Drone has become on its own merits one of the toys that are most popular among young people and adults. Its constant updating, and its resistance to all kinds of maneuvers make it one of the best sellers in its category.

Fly the Tactical Drone without fear of falling anywhere

Many areas such as beaches, mountains etc, due to its soil with sand, water or rocks, it can be fatal when your drone crashes when falling. The new shock-absorbing structure of the Tactical Drone, together with its impermeability against dust and water make it safer.

More flight time and live videos with Tactical Drone

If you are one of those who like to broadcast in streaming, you are in luck, with Tactical Drone you can broadcast in real time over WiFi.

In addition to this, as the battery is more powerful, your live videos will be longer and more interesting.

Features and benefits of the new Tactical Drone

  • The battery life allows up to 10-15 minutes longer to fly than others in its category.
  • Like the Tactical Smartwatch, it is resistant to dust and water.
  • It is also more resistant to falls with a new structure that absorbs colpes.
  • Flight maneuverability has been improved and allows better control.
  • It also has intelligent gravity sensors that detect obstacles and allow it to correct the flight, thus avoiding 90% of crashes.
  • The 2Mpp camera allows you to shoot high definition videos and take sharp photos from a greater distance.
  • It has an APP compatible with all Android phones, iPhones, tablets, iPads, etc.
  • It is currently among the best drones to give away with a price below € 100
  • The tracking system allows for stable moving videos like interviews and follow-ups.
  • It is totally silent and is easily camouflaged.
  • If you fly in areas with obstacles, you can add an XY Find It tracker so as not to lose it.
  • The camouflage military paint design is only available seasonally.
  • You can add reflective signage for activities at night.
  • If you want, you can compare it with the model Qinux Drone specialized brand.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has a legal tax identification and makes the direct sale by sending from the brand’s factory, without third-party intermediation. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are kept 100%

Reviews and opinions of the Tactical Drone quadcopter

I think it is one of the gifts that help the most to get children outdoors today. My children play less and less in the street, and since I have one of these devices, I keep them wanting to go out more.

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Is it necessary to have some kind of license to fly quadcopters of this type, or are they like other toys? I live in the city and I don’t know if they can be used on the streets.


Aggregate rating
4.4 based in 95 reviews

Tactical Drone
Product Name:
Tactical Drone
EUR 99.00

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