Treva, the insect fan

You eat, the bugs don’t, Treva keeps bugs out of your food

Treva is a fly-swatter with flexible blades that works like a small fan. It is foldable, does not have cables and allows you to keep flying insects away from your food. It is the ideal companion for outdoor meals.

How does the Treva Insect Fan work?

In order to keep your food safe from any insect with wings, all you have to do is open the propellers to the safety stop, place the Treva fly scarer near your food and connect it. The device will start to rotate and will scare away all the flying insects.

What makes the Treva bug fan different from the rest?

A new reflective foil added to the blades creates an annoying optical effect for insects, which also perceive the movement of the Treva insect fan as a threat and flee.

In addition to this, it is totally safe for people, even children, since the propeller does not hit hard and the silicone bands do not cause bruises or cuts if they hit you .

Features and advantages of the Treva insect repellent fan

  • It only needs two AA batteries to run for several days. It is advisable to use rechargeable batteries.
  • Diameter of 60cm with a long reach and a height of 40cm, which allows access to food without the risk of hitting yourself with the propeller.
  • Reflective sheets on each blade that annoy insects and scare them away more efficiently.
  • Harmless to people and animals, does not hit or cut. It is advisable not to bring your eyes close to the device.
  • Respectful to animals, does not kill the insect if it hits it.
  • 100% ecological solution to the problem of keeping your food safe from bugs. You will not need insecticides.
  • Perfect solution for exteriors and interiors, use it at home or in the field in the same way.
  • It is also foldable and very convenient to store, it occupies just over 10cm.
  • Take it next to the Grill Well 2.0 and you will have the ideal barbecue.
  • Shockproof and waterproof, scares away flies, mosquitoes, wasps, horseflies and all kinds of flying insects.
  • Along with UV and LED mosquito traps is one of the cleanest workarounds so you won’t be bothered by bugs.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 14 days to return without obligation
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has legal tax identification and makes direct sales by sending from the brand’s factory, without third-party intermediation. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are maintained 100%
  • In case of problems with your purchase, please retain your order number. We can help you at with any of the online stores.

Treva Insect Fan Review and Final Rating

Very good product, useful, easy to use and really effective in keeping all kinds of bugs away from food. As for price-quality, it is cheaper than other similar models and from the initial videos it adapts to everything.

Conclusions and opinions of the author of the Treva fly swatter review

Finally I ordered one, and the truth is that I liked it. It is not annoying on the table, the propeller remains taut at all times while it rotates, and in field areas with many wasps the food remains safe. It only has the downside that when the battery fails the blades decay.

Aggregate rating
4.4 based in 31 reviews


Product Name:
EUR 32.95

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