About us

Know who is behind youneedthisgadget

Hello, if you have come this far, it is because you want to know more about who is behind this project and what they can contribute to you.

What is youneedthisgadget.com?

This is a portal dedicated to e-commerce products. Basically you can find the review of more than a thousand products available and verified after carrying out the necessary tests.

Let’s go a little further

In this portal, you will not only find the information provided by me or by companies. You can also find the public’s ratings for each of the products. And of course, you can also have your opinion.

Customer help center

Although the portal does not carry out direct sales, but rather functions as a showcase for other brands, we always have a help email at your disposal that allows you to ask any questions. I will always respond to you during business hours, if you write on the weekend, please be a little patient.

Who is in charge?

Server, my name is Franc. Gayet and you can see my profile in the following link.

Active collaborators

Although I am in charge of the website, I actively collaborate with the large companies for which I present these products, and I pass on any questions, both personal and yours, in order to offer you the best possible service. These are the companies that collaborate with their products.


It is a brand with a presence in 150 countries dedicated to the sale of gadgets for the home, health, electronic entertainment products, sports or for your vehicle. They collaborate actively and daily in resolving any questions about their products.

Its most notable brands today are the range of products Qinux (technology) and Uqalo (Beauty).


This online sales platform, number 1 in the USA and with a presence in more than 40 countries, also actively collaborates. It has products with its own patent since 2015 and actively collaborates by providing every detail of its products.


Another of the large collaborating companies exhibits its products for sale in more than 50 countries. In addition to offering all the details of its products and the necessary information so that each client can resolve their doubts.

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