Pulsetto, the necklace that relieves stress and anxiety

Calm, tranquility and better health with Pulsetto, the extrasensory relaxant

Pulsetto is a new electro-pulsation stimulator of the vagus nerve that serves to relax tension and the sensation of stress and anxiety. It is completely natural, has no side effects and works on all types of people and situations.
Pulsetto, reviews and opinions
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Improve your sleeping times and fall asleep faster with Pulsetto

If you are one of those who need to disconnect from daily tensions and worries to be able to fall asleep, using the Pulsetto vagus nerve stimulator while reading, watching TV or spending some time with your family will help you reach much further. relaxed to bed.

Save anxiety attacks with the help of the Pulsetto relaxation necklace

Pulsetto review and opinions
If you are one of those who suffer from slight anxiety attacks in social situations, when traveling by plane or train or in the face of minor adversities, the Pulsetto anxiety stimulator will allow you to avoid or overcome them without having to hyperventilate.

In addition to this, you can connect the device to your smartphone and it will intelligently activate the collar when your body reaches the parameters that indicate that you are outside your comfort zone.

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Features and advantages of the Pulsetto anti-stress necklace

  • Battery lasting more than a week.
  • Comfortable and light, you can adapt the size so that the vibrations act in the corresponding place.
  • Simple mechanics, the device performs small electrostimulation sessions on the vagus nerve.
  • Easy to install and use application that allows you to control the device from your phone.
  • Non-invasive pulse therapy that saves you money on anti-anxiety or sleep medications.
  • Sessions programmable in time between 4 and 8 minutes from the APP.
  • Three types of program and intensity, for stress, anxiety or sleep.
  • Historical control of the use of the device that allows you to regulate the intensity and times.
  • Along with the Anti-snoring devices is one of the best options to sleep a peaceful and peaceful night.
  • Some people suffer from stress due to muscle pain and physical discomfort, try Kailo Flex for pain is one of the best alternatives.
  • Compatible with Android, iOS and Windows Phone, with Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity
  • Ideal for overcoming social or stressful situations, such as exams, meetings, trips, interviews, etc.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 14 days of return without obligation
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has a legal tax identification and makes the direct sale, sending from the brand’s factory, without the intermediation of third parties. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are maintained 100%
  • In case of problems with your purchase, please keep your order number. We can help you at help@youneedthisgadget.com with any of the online stores.

Customer service

  • Support and returns email: info@pulsetto.tech
  • Address for USA customers: CAPUTRON, 1 Ilene Court, Building 8 Unit 3, Hillsborough NJ, 08844.
  • Address for customers in Europe and other countries: Aludarių g. 3, 01113, Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania.

Final rating of the Pulsetto anti-stress necklace review

We are facing an innovative device with great possibilities. In addition to being comfortable to use, it uses techniques studied for the treatment of anxiety that can be very beneficial for many people.

Conclusions and opinions of the review author of the Pulsetto vagus nerve stimulator

After a couple of tests, the truth is that it has worked for me. I felt like a little vibration for a few minutes, and I actually felt a little more relaxed. It doesn’t bother you when carrying it, and the application links very well with the device. A very interesting product.
buy Pulsetto reviews and opinions
Aggregate rating
4.4 based in 46 reviews
Product Name:
EUR 279.00
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4.3 /5
Based on 1 rating

Reviewed by 1 user

    • 6 months ago

    Since I can only train before work, which is between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m., afterward I went into work a little upset.
    Now I have started using Pulsetto to calm down, and since my body is more relaxed I work and concentrate much better.
    It is a good product, and it also arrives home quickly, it is highly recommended.

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