Stay safe with SafeHammer from extremely dangerous situations
SafeHammer is a safety hammer designed to be able to break car windows in an emergency, and it also has a seat belt cutter that can free anyone if they get trapped. This gadget can save the life of you and your loved ones.
How does the SafeHammer emergency hammer work in case of need?
Hopefully you never need it, but if you have to use the emergency hammer, keep calm, remove the cap that allows you to release the pointed part of the SafeHammer and use it to hit the windows of the car so you can get out.
Survive floodwaters with the SafeHammer safety hammer
Some people may panic if their car is caught in a flood. The tip of the SafeHammer safety hammer will allow you to break the glass even underwater so you can get out before the vehicle submerges.
Don’t get caught by your seatbelt thanks to SafeHammer

In addition to this, its small dimensions allow you to take it by bus, train or boat. Due to the sharp shape of the tip, it may not be allowed on airplanes.
Based on other customer reviews, we verified that SafeHammer is legit
Both the distribution company and later user reviews of this glass breaking hammer have shown that the product can be trusted and that if you make a purchase, your SafeHammer order will reach its destination.
Features and benefits of the SafeHammer safety hammer
If you have doubts between this and other emergency devices to break the windows and seat belts of your vehicle, before buying, we add the most outstanding specifications from the reviews of the official SafeHammer distributor.
- First of all, learn how to get out of a car you’re stuck in by breaking the windows:
- Use the Safe Hammer seat belt cutter to free yourself from the seat according to the manufacturer’s review.
- First of all, remove the cap from the safety hammer
- Next, with the steel tip, press the corners of the car window or glass.
- Avoid hitting the center of the crystal hard, in order to prevent it from exploding and damaging you.
- Finally, remove any remaining crystals to avoid cutting yourself on the way out.
- Calmly and without pause, you can perform this operation in a couple of minutes and thus save your life.
- Tungsten steel tipped head designed to create a breaking point with a single blow.
- Sharp belt cutter that allows you to free yourself in seconds.
- For added safety in your car, you can also take Inflator Car X and always keep your tires on point.
- If you end up using this gadget, you can later when you recover your car use Mini-Vac Cleaner for deep cleaning.
- When using the SafeHammer to break glass, always try to push it aside with a cloth or part of your clothing to avoid cutting yourself.
- It is advisable to have one device within reach of the driver, and another close to the passengers in the rear seats.
- 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 14 days to return without obligation
- Free delivery worldwide.
- The seller has legal tax identification and makes direct sales by sending from the brand’s factory, without third-party intermediation. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are maintained 100%
- As the seller has informed me, I can assure you that There are NO hidden tariff charges in the price for any country.
- If you have doubts about the product, do your research before placing an order and do not buy anything until you are sure that it fits what you are looking for.
- In case of problems with your purchase, please retain your order number. We can help you at with any of the online stores.
Some safety hammers similar to SafeHammer may be poor imitations
There are sellers who, in order to obtain better sales, give their products the same names as the original companies and sell them from fake websites or on Amazon. Buying an emergency hammer like SafeHammer from the original website will avoid a poor quality or counterfeit product.


Hello, my name is Franc. Gayet and I am the author of this blog.
Since 2020 I have carried out more than a thousand reviews and comparisons of products, consulting all the data provided by the distribution companies and carrying out tests on them.
I have specialized in testing home, health and internet electronic products. I have configured and tested hundreds of gadgets for evaluation.
I also collaborate directly with users to resolve questions about the products, the purchasing processes and any problems they may have related to the evaluated products.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me or leave your question in the comments area.
Reviewed by 3 users
Ne ho comprato uno, e posso assicurarvi che al minimo impatto il finestrino dell’auto si frantuma. Purtroppo mi è venuto in mente di bussare al lunotto della mia macchina per vedere cosa sarebbe successo e lo scherzo si è rivelato caro.
I suppose that among all the bad experiences in life, being trapped in a vehicle in the middle of an accident or flood can be one of the worst. I hope I never need it, but I’m going to take it in the car.
Every year there are more floods and floods, and with them images of people who remain trapped in the bed of ravines or rivers. I am very clear that I am going to buy something like this, because it can save lives in any event of this type.