Facial rejuvenation devices at home and other anti-aging techniques

Stop the signs of aging on your face from home

Thanks to different facial rejuvenation techniques, today you can have a younger face, both aesthetically and health-wise. We can apply different treatments both in specialized clinics and at home. To do this, we are going to look in more depth at everything related to the process that will make our face younger.

What is facial rejuvenation? Let’s see a brief description

Facial rejuvenation is a series of techniques and treatments that are performed to improve the appearance of the skin on the face, reducing the signs of aging. This process seeks to restore a younger, fresher and healthier appearance, treating the signs of aging that appear with age, such as wrinkles, expression lines, sagging, spots on the dermis, loss of volume and lack of luminosity.

What are we looking for when performing a facial rejuvenation treatment?

Whether we perform a treatment at home or go to a specialized professional, therapies will normally be applied for the following symptoms:

  • Reduction of wrinkles and expression lines: Over time, the skin loses collagen and elastin, causing the formation of wrinkles and fine lines. These types of treatments seek to soften these wrinkles by stimulating collagen production and relaxing the muscles responsible for expression lines.
  • Improving skin texture and tone: Factors such as sun exposure, acne or natural aging can affect the texture and tone of the skin. There are treatments that exfoliate the skin, remove dead cells and accelerate cell regeneration, improving the smoothness and uniformity of the skin tone of the face.
  • Reducing spots and pigmentation: Dark spots and irregular pigmentation, such as those caused by the sun or age, are addressed through treatments that lighten and unify skin tone, such as the use of acids, lasers and intense pulsed light (IPL).
  • Skin tightening and firming: Loss of firmness and sagging is another common consequence of aging. Most facial rejuvenation treatments include techniques that stimulate collagen and elastin production, such as radiofrequency and ultrasound, to improve the firmness and definition of the skin.
  • Volume recovery in sagging areas: With age, the skin and subcutaneous tissues lose volume, especially in areas such as the cheeks and around the eyes. Facial anti-aging techniques based on the application of dermal fillers can restore some of the lost volume by firming the skin.
  • What anti-aging treatments can you do at home?

    Although you can attack all the symptoms of aging from home, there are treatments that should only be performed by professionals. These are the ones you should NOT do at home without any control:

    • Dermal fillers: Injections of hyaluronic acid or other substances to restore skin volume.
    • Botulinum toxin (Botox): Designed to relax facial muscles and thus reduce expression lines.
    • Microneedling: It consists of small needles creating microlesions in the skin, stimulating its regeneration.
    • Face lift: One of the most common surgical procedures, which consists of tightening the skin and facial muscles, removing excess skin.
    • Blepharoplasty: Surgery to improve the appearance of drooping eyelids and the removal of bags that appear under the eyes. eyes.

    At home, however, you can perform the following treatments to rejuvenate the appearance of your face and take a few years off:

    • Intense Pulsed Light (IPL): Using red light (heat) and blue light (cold) you can reduce the intensity of sun spots, redness, acne marks and others and also improve the texture of the skin.
    • Radiofrequency and phototherapy: Using heat devices to stimulate collagen production and improve firmness.
    • Chemical and natural peels: Application of mild acids to exfoliate the skin and improve its texture and tone or collagen and other skin nutrients that fill wrinkles and reduce sagging.
    • Ice therapy: Much more natural than IPL treatments, with ice applications You will be able to reduce acne, pink spots and other pigmentation problems.
    • Gua Sha Technique: It consists of passing a very smooth Jade stone on the areas of the face that we want to firm up. It is considered one of the most effective natural remedies to prevent wrinkles.

    These are the facial rejuvenation devices that you can use at home without risks

    Below you can see a series of devices, masks and anti-aging patches that you can use at home without problems and that with a little practice you will handle with total ease.

    Aparato antiedad IPL Lux Glo

    Revive Lux Glo IPL Device

    One of the Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) facial rejuvenation devices that you can use at home is Revive’s Lux Glo. Very simple, easy to use and effective.

    With this device you have improved infrared treatment and a blue light application with different degrees of intensity, so you can have your rejuvenation sessions tailored to your needs.

    Aparato rejuvenecedor Niufais

    LED Phototherapy with Niufais

    If you want a facial rejuvenator for intense massage sessions with electrostimulation and heat on a large part of the face, with Niufais you can reduce the fat accumulated on your face and the sagging skin on your neck.

    Ideal for reducing the double chin, tightening the skin in general and stimulating the neck and cheeks. It will give you a younger look in just a few sessions.

    Crema antiarrugas Insta Tox

    Insta Tox, the anti-wrinkle cream from Serious Skincare

    To quickly rejuvenate your face without the need for devices, you have Insta Tox from Serious Skincare at your disposal. This cream is noticeable from the first application.

    With a high concentration of Retinyl Palmitate, it triggers collagen production in your skin. In addition, the long-term effects are more permanent and noticeable.

    Piedra Gua Sha Younger Rock

    Younger Rock, Gua Sha stone and roller

    Another alternative to prevent the signs of aging on your face that you can use at home is the Gua Sha stone and roller set from the Younger Rock brand.

    In addition to being a natural remedy that you can use wherever and whenever you want, it has proven effective in combating wrinkles, sagging skin, or toning the skin, giving it a brighter tone.

    Fraîcheur Paris tratamiento de hielo para el rostro

    Fraîcheur Paris, ice globes to fight aging

    Anti-aging ice treatment is more than proven. With Fraîcheur Paris ice globes you can apply this technique to your face comfortably and precisely.

    It is also a perfect treatment for preventing wrinkles and maintaining vitality in the skin. Ideal for men and women.

    Cremas antiedad Uqalo Dazzlid

    Uqalo Dazzlid, anti-aging for your eyes

    They say that a youthful look creates a youthful face. Uqalo Dazzlid natural cosmetics combine four different treatments for your eyes.

    With compounds such as green tea, gold dust or black pearls, you can increase collagen levels, moisturize or clean the skin around your eyes, avoiding dark circles or drooping eyelids.

    Why do facial rejuvenation treatments at home?

    It is clear that on an aesthetic level any anti-aging therapy that we follow will bring us a lot. Especially if we are concerned about our appearance. These are the points in which we will improve by treating our face:

    • We will look younger and healthier: Reducing wrinkles, spots or sagging skin on the face always takes years off us.
    • For many, it improves their self-esteem: It is clear that if you look younger, you will always carry yourself with more confidence. One of my biggest annoyances on a social level was when I realized that young people were addressing me formally.
    • We can prevent premature aging: Most of these treatments also help prevent signs of aging on the face, especially in the long term.

    What should we keep in mind when using an anti-aging device at home?

    To avoid irritation to our skin, slight burns or allergic reactions, we must take into consideration the following factors whenever we start a treatment to care for our face.

    • Age and skin type: Some treatments are better suited to certain skin types or ages. For very white skin, it is advisable to use Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) devices at minimum power during the first sessions.
    • Previous medical conditions: It is important to read and know all the ingredients of any treatment to avoid allergies and skin reactions.
    • Aftercare: Ice or heat treatments can irritate the skin. Using moisturizing creams after each session can prevent skin damage.

    Conclusions about anti-aging devices and treatments at home

    Nowadays, there are devices that are very easy to use and also work well. Knowing which one best suits your needs and learning how to use it can save you a lot of money.

    On the other hand, you may not get the desired effects. In some cases, it is advisable to consult a beauty specialist for proper advice and to achieve a younger-looking face.

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