Haarko, the Japanese style forged knife

Improve your cooking techniques with Haarko, the most precise and manageable knife

Haarko is a stainless steel Japanese-style knife with a hand-forged edge that allows you to cut any type of food with a smoothness and precision that is difficult to match. You won’t have to sharpen this knife, and it will also last a lifetime.

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Perfect balance and extra grip in Haarko knives

If something surprises when handling a Japanese-style knife like Haarko, it is that it is very well balanced, so that the cut always goes where you want. In addition, the hole in the upper part of the edge provides extra grip that gives you greater precision.

Always ready edge in Haarko Japanese knives

Thanks to a manual forging technique that uses a double stainless steel alloy, with Haarko Japanese style knives you will have a much harder edge that does not chip or wear and will always be ready to use without the need to sharpen.

In addition to this, its two-layer structure is more resistant to shocks and temperature changes, so it is more difficult for it to break if it falls to the ground or you hit it for very hard cuts, or you exert a lot of pressure on it.

Weekly inquiries 3.108

Features and advantages of the Japanese Haarko knife

  • Premium knives with manufacturing that guarantees maximum quality in your kitchen.
  • The blade is forged from high-carbon Japanese steel, ensuring they do not break or rust.
  • In addition, they do not lose their edge, you will always have the same cutting quality.
  • The structure of the knife is a double layer of metal, San Mai forging is used, which uses a first layer of more resistant steel wrapped with two more flexible outer layers on each side, so that the metal has greater elasticity.
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  • According to the manufacturer’s review, the balance is perfect, directing the weight of the edge towards the cutting area.
  • In addition, you have a grip hole in the upper area, which with the index allows you greater precision when using it.
  • Fire-baked oak wood handle with steel grips.
  • Ideal for cutting virtually anything, from the softest vegetables to the toughest pieces of meat. Frozen foods, bread, fish, fruits and much more.
  • 100% guarantee that you will always have precise cuts, and also with greater safety.
  • Along with the knives Huusk is the most sold in its category.
  • For a more complete kitchen, the frying pan Emura is one of the most recommended.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 14 days of return without obligation
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has a legal tax identification and makes the direct sale, sending from the brand’s factory, without the intermediation of third parties. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are maintained 100%
  • In case of problems with your purchase, please keep your order number. We can help you at help@youneedthisgadget.com with any of the online stores.

Our final assessment of Haarko Japanese style knives

Excellent kitchen tool with very attractive finishes. Both the way it is manufactured and the final appearance make it attractive to any cooking lover or aspiring chef. Highly recommended.

Conclusions and opinions of the author of the review of the Haarko Japanese knife

The order arrives within the deadlines set by the online store. Ma really liked how it fits in the hand and the ease with which it is handled. It is light, and very, very sharp. I advise you to be careful, any carelessness can end up in the emergency room.

Aggregate rating
4.5 based in 11 reviews


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EUR 19.95

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