Alpha HeatR the ideal mini portable heater

Alpha HeatR the mini ceramic heater reviews and opinions

The quality of the Mini Alpha HeatR heater is amazing

Alpha HeatR is a new and improved mini ceramic induction heater that operates with very low electricity consumption. These mini appliances are designed for the best possible performance with great energy efficiency.

The HeatR heater heats a room using very little energy

The new intelligent systems with thermostat that take the traditional heaters allow that the device is disconnected when the room reaches a certain temperature. The HeatR ceramic heater temperature sensor performs this task in real time and much faster.

Put the little ones to sleep without worrying thanks to the Mini HeatR heater

HeatR review and opinions
In winter, conventional heaters can be dangerous for children. The Alpha HeatR energy-saving mini heater turns off automatically whenever you want.

In addition to this, it has a protection system for any type of return and overheating.

Features and benefits of the Mini Alpha HeatR heater

  • Works with USB connector (ideal with + 1000V power supplies) or with 220V plug
  • Smart temperature controller.
  • AA energy efficiency as per manufacturer’s review.
  • Listed among the best mini ceramic heaters this winter.
  • You can fix it to the wall socket without dropping it, it is very light and portable.
  • The device have a timer that allows disconnection at the time you want.
  • The front heat outlet has a much wider air expansion system.
  • Safety system against overload that automatically disconnects the device.
  • The resistance and the fan are protected by a safety grid, safer for children or pets.
  • You can heat rooms of up to 10-12 square meters according to the manufacturer’s tests.
  • If you are looking for advanced models like this, you can also see Heater Pro X
  • For people who need to protect themselves from the cold outdoors there is the Heaton heated vest.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 30 days of return without obligation
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has a legal tax identification and makes the direct sale by sending from the brand’s factory, without third-party intermediation. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are kept 100%

Reviews and opinions of the Mini heater HeatR

As far as I know, they are all very similar devices of this type. For the bathroom I do not recommend them, the humidity tends to burn them.

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I have central heating in my house, but the gas prices mean that many times I do not connect the system. Now when I am home alone I use one of these devices and thus save a little.

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Aggregate rating
4.2 based in 77 reviews

Product Name:
EUR 59.99

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