V-iWhite Pro, ultrasonic teeth whitening

Smile with a spectacular white with V-iWhite Pro, the efficient whitener

V-iWhite Pro is an ultrasonic toothbrush that allows you to clean and whiten your teeth in five-minute daily sessions. It is perfect for maintaining total health in your mouth, removing tartar and dirt.

Gentle on teeth, the V-iWhite supersonic toothbrush is deadly on bacteria

Thanks to the silicone molds, there is no erosion on the teeth during brushing, and the medium intensity blue UV light therapy, whitening and cleaning are more thorough. The V-iWhite Pro ultrasonic toothbrush allows remove the tartar from the teeth in a short time.

If you want a perfect travel toothbrush, V-iWhite Pro is the best option

With a 30-day life on a single charge, and a small footprint, the V-iWhite Pro ultrasonic toothbrush is perfect for travel.

In addition to this, the same UV light used for whitening helps keep the area in contact with the teeth clean.

Features and advantages of the V-iWhite Pro whitening toothbrush

  • Minimum power consumption, lasts up to thirty days after charging.
  • Wireless charging system, by ultrasonic magnetization.
  • Perpendicular silicone grooves that perform interdental brushing.
  • Up to five vibration intensities for better brushing.
  • Blue UV light that eliminates 99% of bacteria and microbes in your mouth.
  • Removes tartar quickly, in just a few sessions.
  • Sensation of total freshness in your mouth after each brushing.
  • Active prevention of cavities and gingivitis.
  • You will achieve natural whitening in a few weeks of use.
  • This device is listed among the best tooth cleaners and whiteners this year.
  • Other users also refer to Q Grips review, the spiral ear cleaner.
  • Note: It is not advisable to use this type of brush on dentures, but it is worse on people with braces.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 14 days to return without commitment
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has a legal tax ID and sells directly from the brand’s factory, without the intermediation of third parties. It is NOT sale by dropshipping and your data and consumer rights are kept 100%

Reviews and opinions of the V-iWhite Pro whitening brush

I have a very similar model and it works great. I miss being able to buy more heads so I can use it as a family. Depending on the model, they are purchased separately.


I personally prefer dental irrigators. With these brushes it is advisable to take probiotics to regenerate the good bacteria in the mouth according to my experiences.


Aggregate rating
4.4 based in 55 reviews

V-iWhite Pro
Product Name:
V-iWhite Pro
EUR 89.95

Product Availability
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