CozyTime Pro, the ceramic heater with advanced InstaHeat technology

This new mosquito lamp is called CozyTime Pro, and it is ideal

CozyTime Pro is a new mini ceramic heater that has recently gone on sale and is offering very good prices. With it you can heat the environment in any type of room in a few seconds and also save electricity.

What is different about CozyTime Pro compared to other mini heaters?

As for heaters with PTC technology, there are several characteristics by which to classify them in terms of quality and price. In the case of CozyTime Pro, it stands out for the new braiding system of its ceramic plates, which allows heat to accumulate much more efficiently.

The CozyTime Pro mini heater is also one of the quietest in its category

According to the manufacturers’ reviews and based on our own tests, the noise generated by the motor and fan of the CozyTime Pro mini heater does not exceed 30 dB at any time.

In addition to this, as it is very easy to clean, the gears can maintain their effectiveness in silent mode for many years (it is advisable to clean the device frequently to eliminate environmental dust).

Features and benefits of the PTCCozyTime Pro heater

  • Two power modes, with consumption at 800W and 1200W depending on the size of the room.
  • Alert mode with indicator light that lets you know if the device is hot.
  • Improved InstaHead technology that heats the coils to 100% in three seconds according to the manufacturer’s review.
  • Higher efficiency ceramic plates retain heat much longer.
  • Anti-tilt safety sensor at 45º inclination to avoid accidents.
  • Circular air ventilation as efficient as the model Heater Pro X among others.
  • In addition, ventilation has been significantly improved, allowing better air circulation.
  • Together with Warmool Heater it is the most sold of its category and design.
  • Functional and very versatile, this mini appliance will prevent you from getting cold in the office, or in any room in your house, including the bathroom.
  • To be more efficient, any type of heating must be accompanied by good insulation of doors and windows.
  • This month it is being the best-selling model in the USA along with Life Heater according to the search trend by brands.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 14 days of return without obligation
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has a legal tax identification and makes the direct sale, sending from the brand’s factory, without the intermediation of third parties. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are maintained 100%
  • In case of problems with your purchase, please keep your order number. We can help you at with any of the online stores.

Our final review of the InstaHeat CozyTime Pro mini heater

To be honest, there are already many similar devices. This particular model has entered our reviews because we know the distribution company and they usually handle orders and after-sales service very well.

Conclusions and opinions of the reviewer of the CozyTime Pro PTC heater

To be honest, it is very similar to many other heaters we have released so far. It is true that the order takes little time to arrive, and that the device heats well and is silent. It’s quite recommended, really.

Aggregate rating
4.5 based in 21 reviews


CozyTime Pro
Product Name:
CozyTime Pro
EUR 40.00

Product Availability
Available in Stock

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