Fitnus Watch, health monitoring bracelet

Fitnus Watch, reviews and opinions

With the new Fitnus Watch physical activity tracker you won’t leave anything to know

Fitnus Watch is the best-selling activity bracelet in the US within its category. Thanks to the fact that it monitors a large amount of vital data in real time, it has become a benchmark in terms of smart watches within its category.

Who is the manufacturer of the Fitnus Watch sports smartband?

Although the distribution company is in the USA, the main factory is based in Korea, as are the vast majority of brands. The Fitnus Watch manufacturing process is governed by the strictest quality controls in terms of assembly and technology.

For whom has the Fitnus Watch activity controller been created?

Fitnus Watch review and opinions
Although it may seem that this smartband has been made with older people in mind, the new Fitnus Watch is also designed for all ages. It has a state-of-the-art health and sports control that adapts to everything.

In addition to this, the design combines great ease of use with very large and intuitive screens, and a robust and resistant structure that adapts to all kinds of activities.

Features and advantages of the smartband with activity control Fitnus Watch

  • First of all, the battery stands out because it can last up to 10 days, depending on the pairing with the smartphone.
  • USB charging connector integrated into the watch, which is hidden in the strap.
  • Very friendly LCD screen visually and with different interfaces that are easy to interpret.
  • New chip that allows better monitoring of heart rate, blood oxygen and blood pressure.
  • In addition, it has a control of body temperature, ideal for detecting fevers or sunstroke.
  • State-of-the-art sleep monitoring with minute-by-minute analysis of all parameters.
  • Alerts on the smartphone when our health data is out of the ordinary.
  • For those who don’t like the smartband design, the model QNix Watch is the best alternative.
  • For fans of extreme sports, it is advisable to also consult Military and tactical smartwatch on this website.
  • You also have all the usual features in this type of health monitoring bracelets. Message alerts, camera control, submersible, 50 sports modes etc..
  • APP compatible with Android and iOS, you must download the necessary one for each operating system in its corresponding store.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 14 days to return without obligation
  • Free delivery in USA.
  • The seller has legal tax identification and makes direct sales by sending from the brand’s factory, without third-party intermediation. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are maintained 100%
  • In case of problems with your purchase, please retain your order number. We can help you at with any of the online stores.

Final Rating of Fitnus Watch Sports Tracker Bracelet Review

As a sports watch, it is an excellent purchase option for its price and its technical specifications. Currently it is only sold in the USA, although a distribution in Europe, Canada or Australia is possible in the future. For quality it is above average.

Conclusions and opinions of the author of the Fitnus Watch review

Unlike other smartbands it is slightly thicker. On the other hand, the battery lasts much longer. The real-time response is excellent and the price of the Fitnus Wach is very attractive. It really is one of the best options in terms of smartband in this category.

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4.4 based in 16 reviews


Fitnus Watch
Product Name:
Fitnus Watch
EUR 49.95

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