Glacier Air Cooler cools in style

With the new air cooler, Glacier Air cooler you will create atmosphere and trend at the same time

Glacier Air Cooler is an air cooling device in which its creators have tried to find the perfect balance between an elegant design and the best technical performance, creating a product that you can really enjoy every summer.

Decorate and refresh indoors and outdoors with the new Glacier Air Cooler

Thanks to its beautiful design, with a retro touch, to the fact that it incorporates a soft light, its independent large capacity battery and you can choose in different colors, the Glacier Air cooler will allow you to stay cool in anywhere, and with a nice and distinguished touch.

At the beach, camping or indoors you will have 8 hours of cold air with Glacier Air Cooler

Thanks to its long-lasting battery and its continuous speed regulation to save energy, the Glacier Air Cooler is effective anywhere.

In addition to this, its tank, which also allows the use of ice, is one of the largest in its category.

Features of the Glacier Air Cooler Mini Air Cooler

  • Elegant design in ivory or white with chrome finishes and a leather-like soft touch handle.
  • The water tank holds up to 240ml and allows the use of ice.
  • You can regulate the air speed in three speeds and the pressure diffuser concentrates and cools much more.
  • The battery is long lasting and you can run it for up to 8 hours with complete confidence.
  • It also comes with a built-in USB charger that you can use anywhere.
  • As it has small dimensions, it is very easy to transport and fits anywhere.
  • In addition to this, you will save energy and can cool the environment in rooms or outdoors.
  • We have ranked it among the best mini portable air coolers of this year.
  • In terms of quality and performance, it is very similar to the Nexfan Evo device just released on the market.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has a legal tax identification and makes the direct sale by sending from the brand’s factory, without third-party intermediation. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are kept 100%

Glacier Air Cooler reviews and opinions

The finishes are curved and give it an air of very striking antique furniture. It is also very well finished, it has a similarity to old radios, I really like how it looks in the living room.


I bought two for the children’s rooms, and the truth is that I am very happy with this purchase. In addition to the fact that the light is very soft and does not bother them, it keeps the interior of the room cool so that they do not get cold and sleep through the night.


Aggregate rating
4.2 based in 121 reviews

Glaciar Air Cooler
Product Name:
Glaciar Air Cooler
EUR 79.95

Product Availability
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