H201 SHIFT, aromatherapy shower kit

H201 SHIFT Aromatherapy Shower Kit reviews and opinions

Water and relaxation all in one with H201 SHIFT, your home Spa

H201 SHIFT Aromatherapy Shower Kit is the equivalent of capsule coffee in a shower version. It is as simple as placing an aromatic capsule in the shower head and enjoying a relaxing and scented bath session.

Thinner and silkier hair thanks to the H201 SHIFT spa kit

When we shower, the hardness of the water can dry out our skin and hair. Nutrients such as vitamin C, aloe vera or coconut oil moisturize and tone. Showering with H201 SHIFT Aromatherapy Shower will provide you with these extra elements and more natural compounds.

Health and vitality in your skin thanks to H201 SHIFT Aromatherapy Shower

H201 SHIFT Aromatherapy Shower review and opinions
If the health of your hair benefits enormously from this type of shower, that of your skin improves remarkably. Using H201 SHIFT Aromatherapy Shower you will notice that acne is reduced, the skin is hydrated more than with traditional tonics and there is no redness.

In addition to this, each capsule serves you for three months and with a single kit you can have more than a year of use without having to buy more.

Features and benefits of H201 SHIFT aromatherapy shower kit

  • Mechanical operation, does not need electricity.
  • Very simple installable shower head by thread, you just have to replace it with the one in your house.
  • Standard 1/2 IPS thread and made of impact and degradation resistant ABS.
  • Filtration: Reverse osmosis for small impurities and other sediments. It also has a vitamin C filter for chlorine (neutralization) and for minerals such as calcium and magnesium (chelation).
  • Optimal water pressure for a relaxing shower.
  • Four different aromas, tea and lavender, floral, lemon and bergamot or basil and Provencal.
  • Interchangeable capsules with a single gesture, similar to that of coffee machines.
  • To complement your hair care, it is advisable to also dry it with Dynamo Dryer or similar ion dryers.
  • If you also want complementary health for the skin of your face and neck, with Niufais you will have the treatment you need.
  • Diration of up to 3 months of each capsule, you will notice when they are running out because the aromas will lose intensity.
  • In areas with very hard water or with a lot of limescale, it is advisable to clean the shower head with vinegar on a regular basis.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 30 days to return without obligation
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has legal tax identification and makes direct sales by sending from the brand’s factory, without third-party intermediation. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are maintained 100%
  • In case of problems with your purchase, please retain your order number. We can help you at help@youneedthisgadget.com with any of the online stores.

Reviews and opinions of the aromatherapy shower kit H201 SHIFT

It seems to me one of the most practical and comfortable that I have seen in a matter of taking a bath. If it really works correctly, it is an option to buy in any home, and in the long term it is cheaper than traditional creams.

Personal trainer

Among the best experiences in terms of daily grooming, getting out of the shower with a relaxed and hydrated body is one of the best. If they are also natural compounds, better, because that way it can be used in children.


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H201 SHIFT Aromatherapy Shower
Product Name:
H201 SHIFT Aromatherapy Shower
EUR 70.00

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