Smart eWallet anti theft wallet ideal to always be sure

We present you Smart eWallet the security wallet against electronic theft

Smart ewallet is a new generation of secure wallets designed to keep your content safe from all types of theft, from habitual theft to any hacking attempt through NFC card readers.

How does Smart eWallet work?

The RFID signal is responsible for reading the credit card chips, to make any payment or operation. With a correct reading device, a thief could pack the card even inside a wallet, and charge him without the owner noticing. Smart eWallet has the technology called E-Field that detects and inhibits any RFID signal, thus becoming the ideal anti-theft wallet.

Smart wallet to avoid duplicate your card

Another advantage of Smart eWallet is that it can prevent anyone from making an illegal duplicate of your credit card, and in conclusion use it to make purchases without your consent.

This makes it ideal to travel with your cards safe

Smart eWallet features

  • Compact and resistant wallet of small size and large capacity
  • E-Field security system with signal lock and auto power. No battery needed. Additionally, it blocks all kinds of signals, your cards cannot be read.
  • Battery with built-in charger for mobile use.
  • anti theft wallet made of durable materials
  • Internal organizers that will keep all your cards in order
  • It is the ideal complement together with the FlexSafe anti-theft backpack to travel safely anywhere.
  • Together with the Safe Pass Pro digital key, it is the best digital security system for our data and money.

Smart eWallet reviews

Below are the reviews of some of our users about this gadget.

It is very comfortable to wear, and it makes me feel safer. I think it’s a good buy.


I travel a lot, and I think it is very important to carry good anti-theft wallet systems, you never know what can happen.

Aggregate rating
4 based in 67 reviews
sMart eWallet
Product Name
sMart eWallet anti theft wallet
EUR 33.32
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