DorikaBite, pen for bites

DorikaBite reviews and opinions

Relieves any bite with DorikaBite, and itches away

DorikaBite is a new laser pen for insect bites that reduces irritation and relieves both itching and pain in a few seconds, reducing swelling and curing eczema even on atopic or sensitive skin.

How DorikaBite Sting Pen Works

When an insect bites you, your skin reacts with a small inflammation and redness, which causes itching and, in the case of bees, horseflies or wasps, pain and discomfort. The heat of the DorikaBite sting laser dries the irritated area, alleviating the symptoms and stopping the effects of the venom.

When is it convenient to use the DorikaBite pen against insect bites

DorikaBite review and opinions
If you are bitten by any insect, from mosquitoes to wasps, horseflies, spiders, bees or any other, the DorikaBite sting pen helps you reduce symptoms quickly and effectively.

In addition to this, you can use it for other types of rashes, including acne or allergic skin reactions. Accelerate healing in all cases, in a few sessions.

Properties and features of the laser for stings DorikaBite

  • You can use it for several weeks without charging the battery, ideal for traveling.
  • 100% effective against mosquito bites.
  • In the case of wasps, horseflies, or bees, it significantly relieves pain and swelling, although some slight discomfort may remain.
  • In addition, it speeds up the healing of any sting, because it dries the affected area.
  • In case you are bitten by a spider, scorpion or even a jellyfish, it is advisable to go to a medical attention service.
  • If bug-watch fails , this device is your best help.
  • Many users also take advantage of its effects to cure acne and other eczema.
  • It can be used in people with atopic or sensitive skin, children from the age of four and even pregnant women.
  • Free of drugs or other chemical products, it has a very long life of use and you can have it operational for many years.
  • In addition to this, it has different levels of heat, and you can adjust it according to the severity of the bite and the sensitivity of your skin.
  • Finally, you can check out the PestCop review to keep your pest free house.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 14 days to return without obligation
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has legal tax identification and makes direct sales by sending from the brand’s factory, without third-party intermediation. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are maintained 100%
  • In case of problems with your purchase, please retain your order number. We can help you at with any of the online stores.

DorikaBite Sting Pen Reviews and Opinions

These devices are very effective if you are not allergic to the insect that bites you, or to the plant in question that gives you hives. Also, it prevents you from scratching and thus making the problem worse.

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Judicial expert

For people who are very prone to mosquito bites, these gadgets save them from bad experiences on every spring or summer outing they do. They are very good for traveling, I bought a similar model a year ago and it still works for me.

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Security guard

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Aggregate rating
4.4 based in 22 reviews


Product Name:
EUR 44.95

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