Qinux Crimsonix, the lumbar infrared belt

The best pain relief, with Qinux Crimsonix and its infrared treatment

Qinux Crimsonix is an adjustable infrared belt used for the treatment of muscle and joint pain. You can use it on any part of the body, from the extremities to the waist, back, shoulders or neck in a simple and effective way.
Qinux Crimsonix, reviews and opinions
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How does the Qinux Crimsonix Infrared Pain Belt work?

You just have to place the corresponding adjustable strap on the device, and place the Qinux Crimsonix infrared belt on the part of the body you want to treat. Then start the cycle at the power you need and the indicated time.

The best news for those suffering from lower back pain is Qinux Crimsonix

Qinux Crimsonix, test reviews and online opinions
Many people suffer from lower back pain, either from working sitting, from wear and tear, or from sleeping in poor posture. With the Qinux Crimsonix infrared belt you can relieve and even prevent this type of pain while you are sitting.

In addition to this, it is an ideal device to accelerate the healing process in injuries to the extremities and the rest of the body, as well as for rheumatic pain, arthritis, and other muscle and joint injuries.

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Features and advantages of Qinux Crimsonix infrared bands

  • It does not have a battery, it works connected to the 220V power outlet. Plug compatible with the country of delivery.
  • Flexible band that adapts to any part of the body, including knees or elbows.
  • It is also adjustable, so it fits perfectly around the waist.
  • Infrared ray penetration from 2mm to 10mm.
  • First of all, it is advisable to test it at low levels to know to what extent it affects sensitive skin.
  • Built-in timer, you can program the minutes you need.
  • If you need continuous pain relief and have to go on a trip, you can also use PainGone Plus on the go.
  • In addition to these treatments, pain patches Kailo Flex can be an ideal complement.
  • Device designed to relieve all types of pain in muscles, tendons and joints.
  • In addition, infrared therapy sessions help increase blood circulation, providing more oxygen that stimulates cell regeneration, repairing damaged tissues.
  • Ideal for all ages from 18 years old. For children, the advice of a specialized professional is advisable.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 14 days of return without obligation
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has a legal tax identification and makes the direct sale, sending from the brand’s factory, without the intermediation of third parties. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are maintained 100%
  • In case of problems with your purchase, please keep your order number. We can help you at help@youneedthisgadget.com with any of the online stores.

Discover the advantages of using an infrared device to treat pain

There are several contrasting reviews on pain treatment with infrared devices similar to Qinux Crimsonix. Below we present various Studies from the National Library of Medicine (USA).
  • Medical infrared thermography in the osteopathic treatment of back pain. See study.
  • Far-infrared wavelength treatment for low back pain: evaluation of a non-invasive device See study.
  • Clinical evaluation of arthritic knee pain using infrared thermography. See study.

Our final assessment of the Qinux Crimsonix infrared belt

Very good product. In addition to adapting to any part of the body, the user can be in the most comfortable position to use it. Effective, adjustable and with the radiation levels necessary to treat any degree of injury and pain.

Conclusions and opinions of the author of the Qinux Crimsonix infrared tape review

The order arrives quickly and very well. You can schedule each session to your liking, and it disconnects automatically. In addition, the infrared lights are distributed in an ideal way for any area of the body. Comfortable, simple and very functional. I found it more than recommended.
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Qinux Crimsonix
Product Name:
Qinux Crimsonix
EUR 99.95
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Although the Qinux Crimsonix invisible hearing aid cannot currently be evaluated by direct vote, we will maintain the opinions sent by our real users until a further update.
Disclaimer: This article is not trying to sell the product or offer any type of medical advice. For any pain treatment, it is advisable to follow the advice of a doctor or specialized professional. We only show the product and the opinion it deserves.

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