Callus Vac Pro the ideal electric foot file

With the Callus Vac Pro callus remover you will always have soft feet

Callus vac Pro is a new electric sandpaper created especially to eliminate hardness from the skin, mainly from the feet and in this way to be able to show off beautiful feet in addition to avoiding the pain that can be caused by rubbing the footwear.

All your shoes now more comfortable now with Callus Vac Pro

Many footwear models cause slight abrasions, which gradually turn into more prominent corns, and finally calluses. Using the electric sandpaper for callus Vac Pro hardness you will be able to eliminate them and thus comfortably fit any shoe and slipper.

With Callus Vac Pro you can sand your feet without causing injuries

One of the big problems when we remove a corn is that by using very fine blades, we can end up with a cut that is too deep. With Callus Vac Pro we can avoid this.

In addition to this, with a gentle massage we can remove all dead skin with a very effective exfoliating effect.

Features and benefits of the Callus Vac Pro Electric Callus Sander

  • The electric file has a long-lasting rechargeable battery, so you can use it wherever you want.
  • You have different intensities to remove the callus according to its hardness and depth.
  • Aspiration will allow you to remove dead skin cleanly and hygienically.
  • It also allows to file the hardness after softening them in soaking.
  • Cleaning the appliance is very simple and comfortable.
  • You can perform detox sessions with Detox Foot Patches after removing calluses without any problem.
  • The effects are noticeable in a few sessions.
  • Once your feet have been cleaned, you can comfortably wear any footwear, even high heels.
  • The pads are long-lasting, and you can exchange them when they wear out.
  • In addition to this, it is very easy to use and does not require prior training.
  • The final effect is equal to or greater than that performed by professionals, and it will save you a lot of money.
  • Product most used for pedicures at home.
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has a legal tax identification and makes the direct sale by sending from the brand’s factory, without third-party intermediation. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are kept 100%

Reviews and opinions of the electric sander for calluses, Callus Vac Pro

I have done a test with one to remove a hardness on the side of my foot that bothered me a lot in the straps of high heels, and it is true that it works very well and does not cause irritation.


I had a friend’s wedding and I couldn’t wear anything that showed footing. Luckily, I used the electric sander day in and day out and in the two weeks before the ceremony I was left with smooth and attractive feet.


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4.2 based in 111 reviews

Callus Vac Pro
Product Name:
Callus Vac Pro
EUR 39.95

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