Qinux ClipBuds, bone conduction headphones with clip attachment

Enjoy the best sound with Qinux ClipBuds without ear pain

Qinux ClipBuds are wireless bone conduction headphones that clip onto your ear, allowing you complete freedom of movement without falling while wearing them. HD sound quality with zero hassle.

Take care of your ears with Qinux ClipBuds bone conduction headphones

One of the great advantages of headphones that send sound to the ear through the bones of the skull is that they do not damage our sensory sense. The Qinux ClipBuds headphones have such a smooth sound distribution that they won’t make you deaf from wearing them.

Is your life active? Qinux ClipBuds clip-on headphones won’t fall off

If you are one of those who has an active lifestyle, or you do sports and like to listen to music or have your hands free to answer the phone, the Qinux ClipBuds bone headphones completely free your hands, because they do not fall.

In addition to this, the sound they provide allows you to hear what is happening around you, so you will avoid tripping accidents, or having any type of accident due to not hearing other people or vehicles.

Features and benefits of Qinux ClipBuds clip-on headphones

  • Battery with more than 8 hours of use without needing to charge, depending on use even more.
  • Water resistant, you can use them for sports without sweat affecting them.
  • Very soft silicone touch that does not cause friction or bother when you move.
  • Volume control and music track changing, very smooth and easy to use.
  • Micro to be able to answer calls, which makes it ideal as a hands-free device.
  • Clip fastening that prevents it from falling, does not press on the ear.
  • HD quality bone transmission of sound, with a perfect balance between bass and treble.
  • Bluetooth 5.3 with higher transmission speed, you can play music without interruptions up to 15 meters away.
  • Cataloged among the best bone conduction headphones this year.
  • If you want HD players without traditional cable, you can try Beat Buds X1 that we show in this same section.
  • For bone headphones with robust attachment we recommend Aeerum of the same manufacturing company.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 14 days of return without obligation
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has a legal tax identification and makes the direct sale, sending from the brand’s factory, without the intermediation of third parties. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are maintained 100%
  • In case of problems with your purchase, please keep your order number. We can help you at help@youneedthisgadget.com with any of the online stores.

Our final assessment of the Qinux ClipBuds bone conduction headphones

This new design offers us an original and innovative way to hold the headphones to your ear. Much less annoying and above all with a more efficient fastening that prevents them from falling when we move. Highly recommended audio device.

Conclusions and opinions of the reviewer of the Qinux ClipBuds clip-on headphones

The order arrived in a few days, and the presentation box is very good. The battery lasts a long time and the sound is of great quality. What I liked the most is how you can wear them, they don’t bother you at all and they also don’t fall off. I recommend them to you.

Aggregate rating
4.5 based in 19 reviews


Qinux ClipBuds
Product Name:
Qinux ClipBuds
EUR 69.95

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