WifiTac, 5G WiFi amplifier

WifiTac, reviews and opinions

With the WifiTac signal booster, you have the best possible coverage

WifiTac is the best selling WiFi extender in Australia, UK and part of Europe. With a new, more powerful and effective design, this device provides you with high-speed internet in areas of your home that previously had no signal.

How the WiFitac high power WiFi repeater works

For any type of user, installation is as easy as pairing any other type of device by password. You simply have to plug in the WifiTac WiFi amplifier and enter the password of the router as indicated in the instructions.

5G signal throughout the house with the new Wifitac WiFi amplifier

Thanks to the fact that the WiFi signal passes through walls in most cases, according to manufacturers’ reviews, the signal from the new WiFitac amplifier reaches all the rooms in the house better.

Wifitac review and opinions
One of the great advantages of the most powerful Wi-Fi signal boosters is that they provide you with up to two and a half Gigs of signal. With Wifitac you will have a connection throughout your home equivalent to 5G.

In addition to this, if you perform the necessary tests until you face the device in the most appropriate way, you will eliminate any deadlock, so that you will not have offline zones anywhere in your house, including the terrace.

Features and benefits of the most powerful WiFi booster WifiTac

  • It does not have backup batteries, it must be connected to the power outlet.
  • Emission of the high power signal that passes through the walls.
  • High-speed connection even in closed rooms or outdoors such as the garden, terrace, etc.
  • Plug adaptable to any type of USA, EU network, if you buy from Australia, UK, NZ remember to ask for the adapter, it is totally free.
  • Download speed in the entire range area of 1200mbps and up to 2.4Gb.
  • Double antenna that provides a powerful signal, it can pass through up to 2 walls with total efficiency without losing power.
  • High quality 5g connection with personalized line to connect up to 10 devices.
  • Simple installation in four steps, connect to WiFi, enter the router’s IP from the browser of any device, log in to the account and finally connect from the interface.
  • One of the best wifi extenders this year .
  • Together with Qinux AirGo is one of the best-selling home gadgets this year.
  • Compatible with more than 99% of routers on the market, if you can’t connect you can always return it.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 14 days to return without obligation
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has legal tax identification and makes direct sales by sending from the brand’s factory, without third-party intermediation. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are maintained 100%
  • In case of problems with your purchase, please retain your order number. We can help you at help@youneedthisgadget.com with any of the online stores.

Wifitac WiFi Amplifier Review Final Rating

To have a clear assessment compared to other signal repeaters, we have compared all the features with other models with a similar price and that are in the same category. Both for power and transmission speed, we can really say that it is a good purchase option for value for money.

Conclusions and opinions of the author of the Wifitac WiFi repeater review

In addition to being a very efficient device, the signal actually reaches areas that could previously be considered dead spots. It is true that I have had to move the Wifitac amplifier to various points to reach all parts of the house.

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4.4 based in 42 reviews


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EUR 49.99

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