Mosquito traps or repellents, which is the best solution?

I have tried everything with mosquitoes, these are my experiences

It is not necessary to remember that mosquitoes are an increasingly common pest throughout the world. In addition to being annoying, depending on where you are in the world, you may get an illness along with the bite. Therefore, I am going to share with you everything I have tried to combat them.

Fighting bites from early childhood

When I was a child, although there wasn’t as much plague, I did spend a lot more time surrounded by nature. In summer that was synonymous with bites. That is why when we went out we put on repellents with DETT that protected us. It was what there was.

Citronella as a natural repellent

Citronella as a natural repellent

Years ago when there were flies or mosquitoes, a good spray of insecticide was applied and the problem was solved. Now there are more alternatives to spraying our home with poison.

Citronella is one of the most used natural options. Although it is not as effective as DDET, it is also much less toxic. Both children’s bracelets and home environment bottles work.

The new fashion of ultrasonic repellents

In recent years, ultrasonic bracelets and repellents of this type have become fashionable for the home or even outdoors. According to recent studies, ultrasound works at a certain frequency against mosquitoes.

studies related to ultrasonic repellents

Since 2022, the number of investigations into the effectiveness of these devices has increased. It is being shown that at different frequencies you can have real protection against these insects. Below we link to the most significant ones (English).

Moskinator, anti-mosquito bracelet

Moskinator 2024

Of all the anti-mosquito bracelets that I have tested, the Moskinator model seemed to me to be the most complete for adults and children. Good battery, water and shock resistant and good strap.

In addition, the beeping sound it generates is not annoying, and on several trips to the countryside I have not been bitten by mosquitoes, so based on my experiences I find it effective.

Qinux Mozzkit Pro, electric insect repellent

Qinux Mozzkit Pro, the repellent for the home

I recently found this electric insect repellent that uses tablets and after using it at home I really liked its performance and how beautiful it looks at night.

On the other hand, I also tried it on the terrace and at the campsite, and the truth is that I find it one of the most recommended for flies and mosquitoes and even flying ants are kept away.

The new variety of UV insect traps

Unlike previous products. With traps you can kill all types of insects. Although they work best at night, they are also effective during the day, and manage to kill flies, mosquitoes or wasps with ease.

How electric insect traps work

The mechanism is very simple. By means of a UV light, any insect, whether flying or not, is attracted, and when it approaches the device it dies by electrocution or drowning. The most common methods are electrified grilles or a fan with suction into a liquid tank.

Mosqinux Flashbeam, solar insect trap

Mosqinux Flashbeam

If you need an anti-mosquito trap to go out into nature, this is one of the models that best suits what you need. A UV light attracts all types of insects and electrocutes them mercilessly.

In addition, the device is charged by cable or by the built-in solar panel, which gives you autonomy to be camping, hiking or wherever you want without worrying about charging it.

Mosqinux Killamp, fly and mosquito killing bulb

Mosqinux Killamp

Another of the electric traps for flies and mosquitoes that are widely used are light bulbs. The mechanism is the same as in the previous model. The light attracts insects and then electrocutes them.

For the home and terraces they are very good, because you can put them out of the reach of children and use them to illuminate yourself.

Qinux Towbite, insect trap with tank

Qinux Towbite

This insect trap design is also electric, and unlike the previous ones, in this case the UV light attracts the bugs towards a fan that sucks them into a tank with liquid, so that they are they drown.

As an advantage, it is easier to clean and above all safer for children and pets, since here the risk of suffering an electric shock is zero. Catches flies, mosquitoes, wasps, ants and more.

Alternative methods to keep your house free of insects

If you want to keep your home free of flies and mosquitoes above all, you can also follow a series of tips and guidelines that can help you very effectively.

  • Place mosquito nets on windows and doors of patios, terraces, etc.
  • Use homemade funnel-type traps with lure, adhesive strips. Personally I think they are less effective and dirtier.
  • Avoid any type of stagnant water. Larger sources such as terrace showers, flower pots, etc. should be treated with care.

The electric racket of a lifetime

Who hasn’t used an electric racket to kill insects? I loved them as a child, and they are a fun way to catch flies and mosquitoes. In the end you get tired of using it, but as a childhood anecdote I think it’s a good note.

Lightning Racket, electric fly catching racket

Lightning Racket

If you don’t like using traps or you simply want to have a fly catcher on hand that kills them in one go, the electric racket is an excellent option. The Lightning Racket model is one of the ones I liked the most.

On the other hand, using this insect killing racket for many people is relaxing and fun. Of course, children be careful with their fingers, the downloads are somewhat annoying.

Conclusions on the different methods of getting rid of insects

Personally, for my house I prefer traps over repellents. On the other hand, when I go hiking or camping I am in favor of using repellents. While ultrasound is fine, I usually use citronella.

Frequently asked questions about flies and mosquitoes

When do flies and mosquitoes start to appear?

In principle, mosquitoes begin to appear at the end of spring, especially after rainy seasons followed by hot days. Flies, although they are present all year round, also appear more intensely from that time of year. In warm regions they are there all year round.

What diseases do mosquitoes transmit?

The most dangerous are Dengue, Malaria. Leishmaniasis, Schistosomiasis and Yellow fever, as well as Chikungunya, Lymphatic Filariasis, river blindness or West Nile virus.

How to avoid a mosquito infestation at home?

Primero que nada, evita todo tipo de agia estancada, desde el jardín a los desagües de la terraza. Si sospechas que puedes tener un foco de mosca o mosquito avisa a las autoridades de tu ciudad para fumigar de forma correcta.

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