Access all Qinux Titan PG discounts
Do you want to buy this smartwatch at a cheaper price? Below we have grouped all the coupons so that you don’t have to use promotion codes, just access the website and enjoy a reduction in the purchase price between 50% and 65%.

Product Description
Military design smart watch. Medium quality range compatible with 99% of smartphones. Includes health monitoring, high-resistance screen, closed steel box structure, sea water resistant and 5 meter submersible, 120 sports functions, different wallpapers and secure synchronization.
Product images
Below you can see different descriptive images of the product. Colors may vary slightly depending on the screen resolution with which you are viewing this report.

You have both the images sent by real users, as well as the complete package as it is sent to the client.

Qinux Titan PG FAQ
Is it a legal product or a scam?
Does the watch have instructions in my language?
What is the actual battery life?
What type of blows does it resist?
Can I practice water sports with the TitanPG watch?
Can I pair the watch with any phone?
The smartwatch APP is compatible with Android and iOS and can be paired with the vast majority of smartphones. Although in the product review We have received some comments from users who have had difficulties pairing the Samsung Galaxy A11 and the iPhone 11.

Hello, my name is Franc. Gayet and I am the author of this blog.
Since 2020 I have carried out more than a thousand reviews and comparisons of products, consulting all the data provided by the distribution companies and carrying out tests on them.
I have specialized in testing home, health and internet electronic products. I have configured and tested hundreds of gadgets for evaluation.
I also collaborate directly with users to resolve questions about the products, the purchasing processes and any problems they may have related to the evaluated products.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me or leave your question in the comments area.