IceVee Air Cooler, the tabletop fan

IceVee Aircooler, reviews and opinions

Carry the IceVee aircooler in your pocket and use it wherever you want

IceVee is one of the smallest aircoolers on the market, but that doesn’t stop it from being useful. This desk fan has a water tank to cool the air and a driving circuit that is perfect for small rooms.

Save electricity with the IceVee mini air cooler

Many times a conventional air conditioner is excessive for small rooms, and it can also cause colds by cooling more than you need. The IceVee bedside fan cools the environment naturally and also consumes very little energy.

Humidify and renew the air while you sleep with IceVee

IceVee Air Cooler review and opinions
Another small problem with conventional air conditioners and fans is that they dry out the environment. IceVee Air Cooler humidifies and renews the air so your throat doesn’t dry out.

In addition to this, its low power mode allows you to use it all night while maintaining a perfect and cleaner atmosphere for working or sleeping.

IceVee Desk Fan Features and Benefits

  • Large capacity lithium battery, charges directly via USB cable.
  • Minimum energy consumption, with 12V that can also work with a car battery.
  • Multifunctional device three functions in one, humidifier, LED night light or as a bedside fan.
  • Nano spray technology that sprays water mist in units of nanometers, effectively cooling and replenishing water.
  • A cleaner environment free of mites or dust particles thanks to air filtering and water spraying.
  • Less dry skin and throat, ideal for health.
  • Consumption as low as Qinux Airgo that will allow you to save on the electricity bill.
  • Similar cooling capacity to best mini portable air conditioner you can find.
  • Small and very decorative, it fits perfectly on your nightstand, desk, dining room furniture, etc.
  • It is advisable to keep it out of the reach of small children and pets to avoid any small domestic accident.
  • Other users also check the review of best selling mini air cooler this year.
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have 14 days to return without obligation
  • Free delivery worldwide.
  • The seller has legal tax identification and makes direct sales by sending from the brand’s factory, without third-party intermediation. It is NOT a dropshipping sale and your data and consumer rights are maintained 100%
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IceVee Fan and Humidifier Reviews and Opinions

It is evident that it will not cool as much as an air conditioner, but especially at night I have always thought that it is an exaggeration to lower the temperature to the maximum and then sleep covered with a blanket.

buy IceVee Air Cooler reviews and opinions

For those who have the bad experiences of having colds all summer due to sleeping at very low temperatures due to very powerful appliances, this type of fan is one of the best options, you rest better and do not get hot.

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4.4 based in 33 reviews


IceVee Air Cooler
Product Name:
IceVee Air Cooler
EUR 56.00

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